Since its earliest days when Quakers, English, Welsh, and Germans began settling, Pennsylvania was a commonwealth where tolerance and religious diversity were welcome. German Lutherans, English Baptists, Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, and the Anabaptist Mennonites (soon followed by the Amish-Mennonites who still maintain their centuries-old way of life and are settled largely in Pennsylvania’s Dutch country) are just some of the folks whose beliefs continue to influence the religious landscape of Pennsylvania.
Today, the Pew Research Center reports that 73% of Pennsylvania residents identify as Christians. Of these, about 47% identify as Protestant, while about 24% identify as Catholic.
As a pastor, you’ll serve as a spiritual advisor, theologian, and visionary for reaching the needs of 21st century Christians. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will embark on a lifechanging journey that will seek to answer your personal calling while inspiring others to follow the Word of God.
Explore a Christian Ministry Degree – Request More Info Today!
But as anyone knows, the work of a pastor today extends far beyond ministering to the people. You must have a deep understanding of church operations so you can ensure a positive direction for your church and the congregation who worships there. It’s an incredibly meaningful career that must begin with a solid foundation of knowledge.
Here are the steps you’ll want to take to learn how to become a pastor in Pennsylvania and begin your lifetime of service in the church:
Steps to Become a Pastor in Pennsylvania
Step 1. Earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry, Pastoral Studies or Other Similar Major in Pennsylvania
Your journey on the pastoral career path begins with a bachelor's degree in an area like religious studies, Christian studies, or Bible studies.
A Christ-focused undergraduate degree serves as the beginning of your formal education in the Christian faith, a stepping stone that often leads to a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or similar advanced degree, and a solid foundation in everything from communications to business management.
You'll study the Scripture, for sure, but you'll also explore writing, psychology, science, and the history of Christianity. It's an outstanding degree you'll use to get your foot in the door and serve in support positions in the church while ensuring you're prepped and ready to tackle a MDiv or similar master's program.
With a Bible-based undergraduate degree, you'll also learn to better understand and appreciate the needs of those you'll serve and the religious climate of where you'll preach. For example, you may be called to inspire people to come back to the church in an area like Bellefonte where declining church attendance and membership forced the Bellefonte First Presbyterian Church to close its doors in December 2021, despite being a source of worship for 221 years.
Step 2. Look for Ministry Jobs and Gain Experience Serving the People and Churches of Pennsylvania
There are plenty of opportunities to begin gaining experience in ministry and outreach in Pennsylvania. From helping victims of natural disasters to overseeing youth and adult Bible studies to coordinating food aid for local families in need, there is no shortage of ways to get involved in pastoral work in Pennsylvania.
For example, New Hope Ministries, which has locations in Dillsburg, Dover, Enola, Hanover, Littlestown, Mechanicsburg, New Oxford, and Lemoyne, runs mobile pantries, youth programs, food pantries, and workforce development programs that serve the local community. Lancaster Alliance Church organizes mission trips that provide worship, construction, and ministry teams to places like Mexico, Lebanon, Jordan, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and more.
Explore Ministry Jobs with One of Pennsylvania's Many Churches
Once you've earned a bachelor's degree and gained experience in the church along the way, you can begin establishing your career, exploring leadership jobs that might be available, such as youth minister, deacon, or administrator. These types of roles and experiences are part of the building blocks necessary to become a pastor in Pennsylvania.
There is no shortage of major churches in Pennsylvania where leadership and pastoral support roles are widely available. Just some of the large church organizations operating in Pennsylvania include:
- Allegheny Center Alliance Church in Pittsburgh
- Bright Hope Baptist Church in Philadelphia
- Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia in Philadelphia
- Calvary Church in Lancaster
- Calvary Church in Souderton
- Calvary Fellowship Church in Downingtown
- Christ Community Church in Camp Hill
- Christian Life Assembly in Camp Hill
- Christian Life Center in Bensalem
- Christian Stronghold Baptist Church in Philadelphia
- Church of the Saviour in Wayne
- Covenant Church of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh
- Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Philadelphia
- Dove Christian Fellowship Church in Ephrata
- Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church in Philadelphia
- Evangelical Free Church of Hershey in Hummelstown
- Glad Tidings Church in Reading
- Greater Shiloh Church in Easton
- King Street Church in Chambersburg
- LCBC Lives Changed By Christ in Manheim
- Lifechurch in Allentown
- Living Word Community Church in York
- Mount Ararat Baptist Church in Pittsburgh
- North Way Christian Community in Wexford
- Parker Hill Community Church in Scranton
- Pocono Community Church in Mount Pocono
- Sharon Baptist Church in Philadelphia
- The Bible Chapel in McMurray
- The Greater White Rock Baptist Church in Philadelphia
- The Worship Center in Lancaster
- Victory Family Church in Cranberry Township
- West Shore Evangelical Free Church in Mechanicsburg
- Worship Center in Lancaster
Salary Expectations for Church Ministry Jobs in Pennsylvania
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those holding mid-level jobs in the church in Pennsylvania earned an average salary of $29,990 as of 2020, and those with extensive experience working for larger, better-funded churches earned about $58,700 during this time.
Providing in Times of Need: How Pennsylvania Churches Have Stepped Up in Disaster Relief Efforts
As any Pennsylvanian would know, the state is frequently hit by natural disasters, which have included both hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. These weather events can be deeply destructive, resulting in deaths and injuries as well as property damage and loss of work for those who cannot afford to go without it. In these worst-case scenarios, churches have stepped up mightily to offer supportive services to those in need, alleviating the worst consequences of these storms.
Churches can provide disaster relief that supports people through grave emergencies, offering their facilities as places of refuge, food, and clothes and helping those who have been displaced find safe places to stay. They can also provide emotional resources for those impacted by the weather events, providing counseling, prayer support, and an attentive ear to help others process traumatic circumstances. They can also help bring communities together in the wake of destructive events, reminding locals that they still belong somewhere even during difficult times.
Beyond the immediate needs of communities in the wake of disasters, churches are often at the helm of long-term initiatives to provide relief to those impacted by storms. This is crucial, as many of the economic consequences of storms can be felt long after the worst is over. These can include rebuilding projects, fundraising initiatives, and advocacy to help direct government attention to civilians’ ongoing needs.
The impact churches have made in helping populations recover from the damages of storms is immense. This can come as an indication to aspiring pastors of the great significance of a church leadership role, as well as the seriousness of the position. If you are ready to step up to help others during their greatest times of need, you are a perfect candidate to pursue a pastor’s profession.
Step 3. Earn a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Similar Graduate Degree in Pennsylvania and Establish Your Role in Christian Leadership
The top rung of the educational ladder for church leaders and pastors is a master’s degree, most often the the Master of Divinity (MDiv).
Building on undergraduate education, the experience you’ve gained in the church, and your faith, a master’s in divinity provides you with both a biblical and theological foundation and practical ministry training to prepare you for the role of church pastor.
Through an MDiv, you’ll study and interpret the Bible, learn to effectively communicate the Scriptures, and gain the skills needed to serve others and guide them along their spiritual journey. You may also explore specific areas of pastoral study during your time as a graduate student by taking courses related to leadership, church planting, Bible exposition, and youth and adult ministry.
Many MDiv and similar master’s programs today are offered through either a blended or fully online delivery. Earning a master of divinity online allows students to continue their work in the church while earning their degree.
A Master of Divinity or similar graduate degree prepares you for pastoral and other leadership roles in the church, and is common step in the journey for learning how to become a pastor. An advanced degree may also serve as a foundation with which you can plant your own church.
Salary Expectations for Pastor Jobs in Pennsylvania
As of May 2022, directors and other professionals overseeing educational programs and other church activities earned an average salary of $49,160, while the top earners (top 10%) earned about $101,650.
Individuals in the role of pastor or other clergy members in Pennsylvania earned an average salary of $53,850, while those at top of the salary rung (top 10%) earned about $93,550 as of May 2022.
Step 4. Consider Forming a Christian Ministry of Your Own in Pennsylvania
Are you inspired to start your own ministry? With the right education and experience under your belt and your gift for leadership, you can begin on an exciting journey of service to your own congregation.
You must ensure that you follow all state and local laws before embarking on this calling.
Churches in Pennsylvania are legally organized as nonprofit corporations that hold legal title to their assets. To form your nonprofit corporation, you must file Articles of Incorporation – Nonprofit, along with a docketing statement with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations. You’ll need to submit a $125 payment to the Department of State.
Your nonprofit corporation (referred to as a Member Organization) must have a set of Bylaws that define the church’s operations and must be overseen by directors, who may be either elected or appointed.
You’ll also need to register your church at the federal level as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the Internal Revenue Service. You’ll need to do this to obtain a Federal Identification Number (FEIN) from the IRS, which you’ll use to open bank accounts, receive donations, and apply for a tax-exempt status.
2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures and job market trends for Religious Workers, Church Directors, and Clergy based on state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed July 2023.
Christian Colleges in Pennsylvania
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
Major if Religion (campus)
- Evangelization and Outreach
- Church History
- Sacred Languages
- New Church Philosophy
- Religious Education
Master of Divinity (campus)
Cairn University-Langhorne
Bachelor of Music in Worship and Music (campus)
BS in Christian Studies (campus)
BS in Bible Ministries (campus)
- Option to combine with Master's degrees
- Biblical Studies
- Christian Ministry
- Intro to Counseling
BS in Camping Ministries (campus)
BS in Youth and Family Ministry (campus)
BS in Biblical Studies (online)
Master of Divinity (campus) - School of Divinity
MA in Religion (campus)
MA in Worship and Music (campus)
Master of Theology (campus)
Duquesne University College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts
Major in Catholic Studies (campus)
Major in Theology (campus)
Eastern University College of Arts and Humanities
BA in Biblical Studies (campus)
BA in Theological Studies (campus)
BA in Youth Ministry (campus)
BA in Youth Ministry Leadership (campus)
Master of Divinity (campus) - Palmer Theological Seminary and College
- MBA-M.Div option
MA in Theological and Cultural Anthropology (campus, online)
Master of Theology-Spanish (campus, online)
Master of Practical Theology (campus, online)
Evangelical Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (campus)
MA (campus)
- Ministry
- Bible
- Leadership
- Spiritual formation
Geneva College
BA in Biblical Studies (campus)
BA in Student Ministry (campus)
BA in Missions (campus)
BA in Aviation Missions (campus)
- Ministry
- Bible
- Leadership
- Spiritual formation
La Salle University School of Arts and Sciences
Major in Religion and Theology (campus)
Lancaster Bible College
BA in Children and Family Ministry (campus)
BA in Women in Ministry Leadership (campus)
BA in Youth and Young Adult Ministry (campus)
BA in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
BA in Biblical Studies (campus, online)
BA in Ministry Leadership (campus)
Master of Divinity (campus)
- Formational Leadership
- Christian Care
- Bible Exposition
- Children and Family
- Christian Apologetics
- Christian Theology
- Church Planting
- Organizational Leadership
- Pastoral Studies
- Worship Arts
- Youth and Family Ministry
MA in Bible Studies
- Bible Exposition
- Christian Apologetics
- Theology
MA in Ministry
- Church Planting
- Formational Children & Family Ministry
- Leadership Studies
- Pastoral Studies
- Youth & Young Adult Ministry
MA in Christian Care
Missio Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (campus)
- Language
- Pastoral Ministry
- Urban Ministry
- Counseling Concentration
- Missiology
MA in Ministry (campus)
MA in Missiology Theology (campus)
- Ministry
- Counseling
MA in Missional Theology (campus)
MA in Biblical Studies (campus)
Master of Theology (campus)
- Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation
Moravian University
Bachelor of Music (campus)
- Sacred Music
Major in Global Religions (campus)
- Introductions
- Sacred Texts
- History
- Culture
- Philosophy and Theology
- Ethics and Justice
- War and Peace
- Health and Science
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (campus)
- Forming New Faith Communities
- Anglican-Episcopal Studies
- Urban Ministries (certificate)
- MDiv-MSW
- MDiv-JD
MA in Pastoral Studies (Anglican-Episcopal Studies, MAPS-JD)
Master of Theological Studies (MTS-JD)
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary-Overbrook Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (campus)
Master in Theology (campus)
Saint Vincent Seminary
Bachelor's of Sacred Theology (campus)
Master of Divinity (campus)
MA in Ecclesial Ministry (campus)
MA in Catholic Philosophical Studies (campus)
MA (campus)
- Systemic Theology
- Sacred Scripture
- Monastic Studies
Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church
Master of Divinity (campus)
MA in Theological Studies (campus)
- Anglican Theology
- Christian Education
Villanova University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
BA in Theology and Religious Studies (campus)
- Theology and Culture
- Catholic Studies
- Global Religious Experience
MS in Church Management (campus)
MA in Theology (campus)
MA in Ministry and Theology (campus)
Online Christian Universities in Pennsylvania
Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius
Master of Divinity (hybrid, campus)
Master of Arts in Theology (hybrid, campus)
Clarks Summit University
BS in Music (campus)
- Worship Studies
BS in Pastoral Ministries (campus)
- Seminary option
BS in Outreach Ministries (campus)
BS in Youth Ministry (campus)
BS in Intercultural Youth Ministries (campus)
BS in Bible and Theology (online)
BS in Christian Ministries (online)
BS in Accelerated General Ministries (online)
- Combined with MDiv
BS in Accelerated Pastoral Ministries (online)
- Combined with MDiv
Master of Divinity (campus, online)
- Pastoral (with Greek, without Greek)
- General Ministries (with Greek, without Greek)
Master of Theology (campus, online)
Master of Ministry (campus, online)
- Pastoral
- General
MA (campus, online)
- Bible Language and Theology
- Bible Apologetics
- Studies
- Church Planting and Renewal
- New Testament Studies
- Old Testament Studies
- Theological Studies
Trinity Eiscopal School for Ministry
Master of Divinity (hybrid, campus)
- Lutheran Focus
- Presbyterian Focus
MA in Religion (hybrid, campus)
- Biblical Studies
- Catechesis & Christian Formation
- Christian History & Theology
- Christian Ministry & Missiology
- Christian History & Theology (Lutheran Focus)
- Christian History & Missiology (Lutheran Focus)
Master of Sacred Theology (hybrid, campus)
- Church History
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Theology
- The Trinity
- The Atonement
- Baptism
- Christianity and the Arts
United Lutheran Seminary
Master of Divinity (online, campus)
MA in Ministerial Leadership (online, campus)
Master of Sacred Theology (online, campus)
MA (online, campus)
- Lutheran Studies
- Liturgy and Music
- Integrative Theology
- Metropolitan/Urban Ministry
- Rural Ministry
- Black Church
- Bible
- History
- Theology
- Pastoral Care
- Interfaith Studies
- Christian Education
University of Valley Forge
BA in Music (campus) - Music Department
- Worship Leading
BA in Ministry (online, campus) - Department of Ministry Leadership and Theology
- Children and Family Studies
- Youth and Family Studies
- Ministry Leadership (online)
- Pastoral Leadership
- Theological Studies
MA in Christian Leadership (online, campus)
MA in Theology (online, campus)
MA in Worship Studies (online, campus)
Westminister Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (online, campus)
- General Ministry
- Pastoral Fellows
MA in Religion (online, campus)
MA in Theological Studies (online, campus)
Master of Theology (online, campus)
- Biblical Studies (concentrations in Old Testament or New Testament)
- Historical & Theological Studies (concentrations in church history, systematic theology, or apologetics)