20: The Most Affordable Online and Campus-Based Christian Bachelor’s Degree Programs in America

Most Affordable Christian Bachelor's Degree Programs BadgeWe don’t need to tell you that vocational ministry is a job like none other. Its spiritual underpinnings make it much more than a job, or even what you would call a profession. But like any role in this world that comes with significant responsibility, there are skills to build and qualifications to meet before you’ll be trusted to carry the weight of that responsibility.

Most people called to fill jobs in ministry in the United States start their path with a bachelor’s degree, it’s that simple.

Those going on to become pastors and church leaders will eventually come to a point where they build on the scriptural knowledge and pastoral skills developed in a Christian bachelor’s program by earning a Master of Divinity or similar graduate degree. That makes a Christian bachelor’s degree foundational for almost any role in Christian leadership.

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Like any serious commitment, that path requires a big investment in time and money. It all pays dividends when building a career that allows you to work in His service, but it’s still wise to be responsible about the way you choose to spend your tuition dollars.

Christian degrees are only offered at private Christian schools, which don’t have the luxury of state tax subsidies. The full cost of education comes down to the students, and it can be significant.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average annual cost for tuition and fees at a private university is $32,769.

That brings the total costs of your bachelor’s degree alone well into the six-figure range. In fact, the national average stands at $131,076. That’s more than twice the cost of the average bachelor’s degree at American colleges when you factor in the much lower cost of state school tuition.

But where there is God’s will, there is a way. And if your search for an affordable Christian bachelor’s program brought you here, we feel a sense of honor and responsibility to give future Christian leaders like you exactly what you’re looking for. That’s why we’ve taken the time to perform a thorough analysis of tuition costs around the country. We see it as a duty and a privilege to help you make an informed decision about the most affordable options.

How We Found the Most Affordable Christian Bachelor’s Degrees for 2025

The way we built this list of affordable Christian degrees is no big mystery. We just invested the hours it takes to collect and collate the data, then did the math:

  • Using the published costs from each school, we established the total estimated program cost of tuition and fees, not including books, room, board, or other expenses
  • For each state, we added up the total estimated cost to find the state average cost for the four-year bachelor’s programs
  • We selected each school for our list where the total cost came out below the state average

Oh, and in a few places we threw in a school or two that squeaked just over the line, if other degrees in the state were considerably more expensive. You want an analysis that lets you make an informed decision, after all, and that’s exactly what we give you.

Only Title IV Eligible Accredited Institutions Were Considered

But we also gave consideration to which schools we would include in the analysis. The ideas it to make sure you don’t have to compromise quality and credibility for your cost savings, so we limited our review to schools that hold standard institutional accreditation from an organization recognized by CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation) and the Department of Education.

That means every single school on this list has been weighed and found to offer a college education that is worthy of the name. There are no schools here that get their low costs through short-cuts or shady deals. Graduating from any of them will mean coming away with a well-respected Christian bachelor’s degree.

Accreditation is a very important consideration for controlling costs too, since only accredited schools are eligible for the Title IV federal grants and subsidized loans most families rely on to help cover the cost of sending a son or daughter off to college.

Affordability Isn’t the Only Criteria When Deciding on a Christian Bachelor’s Degree

Christian degrees come in a wide range of different fields and with different specializations. If learning about media production in worship arts is your thing, you have dozens of choices in that field alone.

So we’ve also included a lot of information here to help you nail down your selection. For every school, we include:

We also looked at each and every one of these schools to identify the little things that set them apart. Do they offer an accelerated path that will take you from your bachelor’s to an MDiv program, saving you time and money? Is the student-to-teacher ratio particularly favorable? What’s the school culture like? Are their Christian student organizations that help students become part of a Christian campus community?

We know the questions that Christian undergrads have, and we take the time to answer them for each and every school we feature.

State-by-State Guide to the Most Affordable Christian Bachelor’s Degrees in the United States

We know that affordable never has to mean second rate when it comes to Christian degree programs. That means you’ll only find the kind of programs here that we feel good about recommending, even before we perform our tuition analysis.

Somewhere on this list you will find the Christian bachelor’s program that will fulfill your calling while respecting your budget.

Most Affordable Online and Campus-Based Christian Bachelor’s Degree by State

Most Affordable Christian Bachelor's Degrees by State

ALABAMA - State average: $57,833

Amridge University
Turner School of Theology
Montgomery, AL


amridge university logo

BS in Ministry/Bible (online)
BA in Biblical Studies (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $48,000 
Cost Per Credit: $375

Total cost is $9,833 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Christian Education, MA in New Testament Studies, MA in Old Testament Studies, MS in Christian Ministry, MS in Ministerial Leadership

Amridge University’s bachelor’s degree programs prepare students for a lifetime of service in the church. Whether your career goals include becoming a minister, deacon, missionary, or educator, you’ll find Amridge’s Christian undergraduate programs to be comprehensive and dynamic. And if you have plans to pursue a graduate ministry degree in the future, you’ll be well-prepared for success with one of Amridge’s Christian bachelor’s degrees on your resume. Biblically based, intellectually designed, and contemporary in application, Amridge’s BS in Ministry/Bible and BA in Biblical Studies programs will point your career in the church in the right direction.

Heritage Christian University
Florence, AL


heritage christian university logo

BA in Biblical Studies (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $43,264
Cost Per Credit: $338

Total cost is $14,569 below the state average for similar programs!

Also Offers: Master of Divinity, Master of Ministry, MA in Christian Scripture

Heritage Christian University’s BA in Biblical Studies is focused on real-world ministry and designed with value in mind. You’ll enjoy the option of online delivery, which allows you to earn your Christian bachelor’s degree from the comfort of your home, along with practical assignments that ensure you’re able to successfully apply what you’ve learned in real-world settings. Learn about doctrinal, historical, and systematic theory in the classroom and then head to the field, where you’ll transfer your scholarly experiences into practical settings. You’ll love the small class sizes here, which feature a low, 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio, along with faculty members who also serve as mentors throughout your ministry journey. Need help along the way? Heritage Christian’s Learning Center features walk-in tutoring sessions that’ll help you get back on track in no time.

Oakwood University
School of Theology
Huntsville, AL


oakwood university logo

BA (on-campus)

  • Ministerial Theology
  • Pastoral Care and Pre-Chaplaincy
  • Biblical studies and Languages

BS (on-campus)

  • Church Leadership
  • Religious Education

Total Estimated Cost: $37,920
Cost Per Credit: $316

Total cost is $19,913 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: MA in Pastoral Studies

Oakwood University’s Christian bachelor’s degrees provide tomorrow’s church leaders and missionaries with Christ-centered, contemporary courses of study that are grounded in the Seventh-day Adventist church tradition and designed with your budget in mind. Whether your career goals include pastoral or evangelical ministry, Bible research and inquiry, or Bible-based education, you’ll be well-served by completing your Christian undergraduate degree at Oakwood. And if you want to take your degree one step further, Oakwood offers minors in Theology and Biblical Studies and a certificate in Church Leadership. Study here is complemented with outstanding opportunities for student engagement. Choir, drama club, outreach and mission groups – there are plenty of opportunities to become an active partner in ministry at Oakwood!

Huntsville Bible College
Huntsville, AL


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BS (on-campus)

  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Mission and Evangelism
  • Christian Education
  • Social Work

Total Estimated Cost: $22,940
Cost Per Credit: $185

Total cost is $34,893 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Ministry (Pastoral Studies, Biblical Leadership)

For more than 30 years, Huntsville Bible College has been offering Christian degrees that prepare individuals to become church leaders who make a difference. Today, Huntsville continues this tradition of excellence in Christian education through its exciting undergraduate degree programs in pastoral ministry, mission and evangelism, Christian education, and social work, all of which are part of the college’s contemporary courses of education designed with value in mind. Huntsville Bible College understands the needs of today’s students, which is why many classes are offered on Saturdays, evenings, and online. Huntsville Bible College is where convenience and affordability converge!

ARIZONA - State average: $71,975

Grand Canyon University
College of Theology
Phoenix, AZ


grand canyon university logo

BA in Christian Ministry (on-campus)
BA in Christian Studies (on-campus, online)

  • Biblical Studies
  • Global Ministry
  • Philosophy
  • Worship Leadership
  • Youth Ministry

BA in Worship Arts (on-campus)

  • Media and Production Ministry
  • Worship Ministry

Total Estimated Cost: $66,000
Cost Per Credit: $550

Total cost is $5,975 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA (Christian Leadership, Christian Ministry, Urban Ministry, Youth and Family Ministry)

Grand Canyon University’s outstanding variety of theology undergraduate degrees feature value and convenience for today’s students. These gospel-centered, church-focused, and missions-oriented programs prepare students for a lifetime of faithful service and ministry in the church. Whether online or on-campus, Grand Canyon’s undergraduate offerings ensure a good fit with your busy schedule. Best of all, if you have aspirations of graduate study, you’ll be happy to hear that Grand Canyon’s BA in Christian Ministry and BA in Christian Studies feature graduate-level courses as part of their undergraduate pathway through the Accelerated Undergraduate Degree to Master of Divinity program. This fast-track options allows students to jumpstart their graduate degree while earning their bachelor's. And if your career aspirations include serving in pastoral ministry, the Barnabas Pastoral Program offers an exceptional opportunity to be trained, mentored, and deployed in a local church upon graduation.

Arizona Christian University
Glendale, AZ


arizona christian university logo

BS in Christian Ministries (online)
BA in Biblical and Theological Studies (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $54,000
Cost Per Credit: $450

Total cost is $17,975 below the state average for similar programs!

Arizona Christian University’s online Christian undergraduate degrees boast the convenience you’re looking for and the value you demand. Choose the Christian Ministries major if your career goals include ministering in a church or church-related ministry. You’ll have the option of complementing your degree with a variety of minors like business, behavioral health, or music. Or choose the BA in Biblical and Theological Studies if you’re interested in a contemporary study of the Bible that’s complemented with a liberal arts curriculum. And if earning a graduate ministry degree is part of your future goals, consider completing the fast-track program offered through the Dallas Theological Seminary. Through this program, you’ll earn the BA in Biblical and Theological Studies at ACU and the MA at Dallas Theological Seminary in your choice of disciplines in just five years! Choose ACU and you’ll enjoy the integration of spiritual development within your Christian bachelor’s degree through a minor in Biblical Studies, twice-weekly chapel services, and the completion of spiritual formation and service hours every semester.

International Baptist College and Seminary
Chandler, AZ


international baptist college seminary logo

BA (on-campus)

  • Bible and Christian Service
    • Pastoral Studies
    • Missions
    • Church Music
    • Church Ministries
  • Bible and Teacher Education
    • Elementary Education
    • Secondary Education
  • Bible and Church Music
  • Bible and Business Leadership

Total Estimated Cost: $52,460
Cost Per Credit: $430

Total cost is $19,515 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, Master of Christian Education, MA in Ministry

International Baptist College and Seminary’s Christian undergraduate degree programs boast outstanding value and an exceptional academic experience. Part of the integral ministry of the Tri-City Baptist Church, these programs prepare students for ministry and for a variety of church-related roles. Choose the Christian Service major if you want preparation for ministry, seminary, or graduate school studies. Choose the Bible and Teacher Education major if you want to prepare to become an elementary or secondary school teacher. Choose the Bible and Church Music major if your career goals include teaching, performing, and administrating music programs in the church. Or choose the Bible and Business Leadership major if you envision a career in church administration and leadership. Not quite ready to make a commitment to a four-year program? Consider taking a “Gap Year” – a program that allows students to take an initial lighter academic load to transition to the rigors of a college-level academic schedule.

ARKANSAS - State average: $98,466

Harding University
College of Bible and Ministry
Searcy, AR


harding university logo


  • Leadership and Ministry (on-campus)
  • Bible and Family Ministry (on-campus)
  • Bible and Ministry (online – adult completion, and online – second major only)
  • Bible and Missions (on-campus)
  • Bible and Preaching (on-campus)
  • Bible and /MDiv track (on-campus)

Total Estimated Cost: $92,544
Cost Per Credit: $723

Total cost is $5,922 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: MEd in Christian Education Leadership

Are you called to ministry? You won’t find a school that offers more bachelor degree options at an affordable price than Harding University! These degrees feature a blend of Bible theory and specialized seminars that prepare students for a lifetime of preaching, counseling, and ministry. In addition to the outstanding selection of on-campus bachelor’s degrees offered here, Harding also offers the BA in Bible & Ministry as an accelerated adult degree completion program — a 2+2 completion program that allows students to transfer their liberal arts credits from a previous education and complete all of their Bible credits online. If you have aspirations of graduate study, you’re sure to like the Bible and Divinity program, which allows you to obtain two degrees – the BA in Bible and Ministry and the Master of Divinity – in just five years through an accelerated course of study.

Central Baptist College
Bible Department
Conway, AR


central baptist college logo

BA/BS in Bible (on-campus)
BS in Missions (on-campus)
BS in Church Administration (PACE)
BS in Leadership and Ministry (PACE)

Total Estimated Cost: $63,600
Cost Per Credit: $530

Total cost is $34,866 below the state average for similar programs!

Central Baptist College’s Christian bachelor’s degrees offer everything tomorrow’s future pastors and church leaders demand – a personalized learning experience that features a low, 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio; an excellent selection of online, on-campus, and accelerated programs for learners with different needs; and a reputation as one of the premier Christian colleges in Arkansas. Since 1952, CBC has remained committed to providing students with a Christ-focused education. Today, its program offerings are designed with flexible formats and new classes that start every five weeks. Are you an adult learner who wants a convenient and flexible path to your Christian bachelor’s degree? CBC’s PACE (Professional Adult College Education) program features once-weekly classes that are delivered on-campus, online, or a blend of both. This accelerated, flexible learning format also allows students to earn college credit through past work experience.

CALIFORNIA - State average: $106,822

Santa Clara University
Jesuit School of Theology
Berkeley, CA


santa clara university logo

Bachelor of Sacred Theology (on-campus)

Total Estimated Cost: $100,560
Cost Per Credit: $838

Total cost is $6,262 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Pastoral Ministries, Master of Theological Studies, Master of Theology, MA-MDiv combined, MA in Biblical Languages, MA (Art and Religion, Biblical Studies, Christian Spirituality, Cultural and Historical Studies of Religion, Liturgical Studies, Systematic and Philosophical Theology)

Santa Clara University’s Bachelor of Sacred Theology is a Roman Catholic ecclesiastical degree that provides students with a strong foundation in the Catholic doctrine. You’ll be well-served by completing this program whether your career goals include ministry, administration, or future study at the graduate level. For future graduate students, you’ll be happy to know that the Jesuit School of Theology views this program as an enhancement of their Master of Divinity, and students here may complete both the requirements of their bachelor’s and the Master of Divinity simultaneously. Rooted in the thousands-year-old tradition of Christianity, yet focused on the church of the 21st century, the Jesuit School of Theology operates with an international approach. Your time at Santa Clara will be rich and fruitful thanks to plentiful opportunities to attend liturgies, community Masses, reflection sessions, and weekly dinners.

California Baptist University
School of Christian Ministries
Riverside, CA


california baptist university logo

BA in Christian Studies (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $76,012
Cost Per Credit: $613

Total cost is $30,810 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers on-campus bachelor’s programs at a higher cost: BA in Christian Studies, Bachelor of Applied Theology

Also offers: MA in Counseling Ministry, MA in Worship Arts

California Baptist University’s BA in Christian Studies effortlessly blends value with convenience. Priced well below the state average among similar programs and featuring flexible, online delivery that’s designed to accommodate the needs of today’s busy, working adults, this Christian undergraduate degree is built on a foundation of biblical-based theology that prepares students to become Christian servant leaders. This online program prepares students to assume any number of leadership roles upon graduation while also serving as an excellent springboard for future graduate-level biblical studies. Just a few highlights of online study at California Baptist University include accelerated courses that start every eight weeks; a convenient, three-semester, year-round calendar; and the best in support from dedicated, personal enrollment counselors, student service advisors, and an Academic Success Center, which offers 24/7 online tutoring.

Life Pacific University
San Dimas, CA


life pacific university logo

BA in Transformational Ministry (on-campus)

  • Counseling
  • Intercultural Studies
  • Worship Ministry
  • Youth Ministry

BA in Biblical Studies (on-campus)

  • Counseling
  • Intercultural Studies
  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Worship Ministry
  • Youth Ministry

BA in Worship Arts and Media (on-campus)

  • Creative Arts
  • Media Production
  • Music Performance

BA in Ministry and Leadership (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $69,600 ($56,400 online)
Cost Per Credit: $580 ($470 online)

Total cost is $37,222 ($50,422 online) below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: MA in Theological Studies

Life Pacific University’s Christian bachelor’s degrees are comprehensive, offering a well-balanced integration of biblical studies, faith, leadership, and learning. They’re also affordable, boasting tuition rates that make them among the most affordable in California. If you’re interested in a lifetime of service and ministry in the church, you’ll appreciate these dynamic programs that emphasize ministry, missions, and real-world experiences. Life Pacific University’s Christian bachelor’s degree are part of the university’s legacy of academic excellence, which includes an outstanding 94% employment rate and a 75% immediate ministry placement among grads.

Biola University
Talbot School of Theology
La Mirada, CA


biola university talbot logo

BS in Biblical Ministries (online)
BA in Bible, Theology, and Apologetics (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $57,960
Cost Per Credit: $483

Total cost is $48,862 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers on-campus bachelor’s programs at a higher cost: BA in Bible, Theology, and Ministry

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Bible Exposition, MA in Christian Apologetics, MA in Christian Ministry and Leadership, MA in New Testament, MA in Old Testament, MA in Science and Religion, MA in Spiritual Formation, MA in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, MA in Theology (Greek, non-Greek), MA in Classical Theology

Biola University’s online bachelor’s degrees combine the value you’re looking for with the convenience and flexibility of distance-based study. These fully online programs feature accelerated, seven-week courses that include lively student discussions, recorded lectures, and coursework, all of which enhance your biblical knowledge while growing your practical ministry skills. Choose the Biblical Ministries program and you’ll also earn a minor in biblical and theological studies. Or choose the Bible, Theology, and Apologetics major and you’ll receive a well-rounded biblical perspective while you explore some of the most interesting theological questions. You’ll also earn a biblical studies minor through this program. Both programs prepare grads to become valuable members of church ministry while also providing an outstanding foundation for seminary studies at the Talbot School of Theology. Choose one of Biola’s online undergraduate programs in ministries and you’ll enjoy superb support and guidance from your own personal success coach!

Southern California Seminary
El Cajon, CA


southern california seminary logo

BA in Biblical Studies (on-campus, online)

Total Estimated Cost: $54,600
Cost Per Credit: $455

Total cost is $52,222 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Christian Ministry, MA in Science and Religion, MA in Christian Counseling, MA in Biblical Studies, Master of Theology

Southern California Seminary’s BA in Biblical Studies has everything you need to begin your journey of a lifetime in the church. Offering a value in Christian education and the flexibility of either on-campus or online program delivery, the BA in Biblical Studies is where you’ll learn the skills needed for ministry in any Christian ministry setting. For more than 70 years, Southern California Seminary has supported students in their quest for spiritual growth as they work to become leaders in ministry.

Hope International University
Pacific Christian College of Ministry and Biblical Studies
Fullerton, CA


hope international university logo

BA in Christian Ministry (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $54,000
Cost Per Credit: $450

Total cost is $52,822 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers on-campus bachelor’s programs at a higher cost: Biblical Studies, Children & Family Ministry, Church Ministry, Intercultural Studies (Missions), Youth & Family Ministry, Intercultural Studies

Hope International University’s BA in Christian Ministry offers an online bachelor’s degree at a price that makes it among the most affordable in California. This degree will strengthen your relationship with God and develop the gifts that will make you an outstanding minister in professional and parachurch ministries. As a student of this program, you’ll complete an extensive practicum in your chosen area of ministry service. Throughout your practical experience, you’ll be guided and mentored to ensure you’re prepared and empowered.

Shasta Bible College and Graduate School
Redding, CA


shasta bible college logo

BA in Bible and Theology (on-campus, online)
BA in Christian Professional Studies (on-campus, online)

  • Biblical Studies
  • Biblical Counseling
  • Education

Total Estimated Cost: $48,000
Cost Per Credit: $375

Total cost is $58,822 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Christian ministries, MA in Biblical Counseling

Online or on-campus, Shasta Bible College and Graduate School’s Christian bachelor’s degrees are the affordable path to a career in the church you’ve been looking for! Choose the BA in Bible and Theology if you’re interested in a degree that will provide you with an excellent foundation for ministry. Take a variety of courses or choose an area of concentration that aligns with your interests. Choose the BA in Christian Professional Studies if you’re looking for a degree completion program. Transfer your 60 college credits and then choose from one of three concentrations for a personalized program. Through the school’s flexible online programs, you’ll be able to access your classwork at any time of the day or night. Download and stream lectures, interact with your peers through discussion boards, and complete assignments when it’s most convenient for you.

Epic Bible College and Graduate School
Biblical Studies Department
Sacramento, CA


epic bible college logo

BA in Ministerial Studies (on-campus)

  • Biblical Studies
  • Biblical Counseling
  • Cross Cultural Ministry
  • Discipleship & Biblical Instruction
  • Non-Profit Ministry
  • Pastoral Leadership (also offered fully online)
  • Student Ministry
  • Worship Arts

Total Estimated Cost: $44,800 ($44,820
Cost Per Credit: $249 (per quarter credit)

Total cost is $61,942 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, M.A. in Christian Ministry, M.A. in Biblical Studies, M.A. in Ethical Leadership

Epic Bible College and Graduate School’s BA in Ministerial Studies boasts a tuition that places it among the most affordable in California! This degree provides a convenient and flexible pathway to a career in Christian ministry through an in-depth study of the Bible. It also includes options to specialize through your choice of eight concentrations. Interested in completing your bachelor’s ministry degree online? Choose the BA in Ministerial Studies with a Pastoral Leadership focus and you’ll have the opportunity to complete your program through a dynamic, online platform that features online discussion groups, small group activities, blogging, and more.

World Mission University
Los Angeles, CA


world mission university logo

BA in Christian Ministries (online)
BA in Christian Counseling (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $32,760
Cost Per Credit: $260

Total cost is $74,062 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Theology, MA in Worship Studies

World Mission University’s Christian bachelor’s degrees boast one of the lowest tuition rates among similar programs in California and an online format that makes earning your undergraduate degree in ministry or counseling more convenient and flexible than ever before. Choose the Christian Ministries major and you’ll enjoy a solid foundation in the Gospel and in biblical studies. Or choose the Christian Counseling major to prepare for graduate study as you learn to become an effective counselor in ministry.

Presbyterian Theological Seminary of America
Santa Fe Springs, CA


ptsa logo

Bachelor of Theology (hybrid)

Total Estimated Cost: $30,720
Cost Per Credit: $240

Total cost is $76,102 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Counseling Psychology

The Presbyterian Theological Seminary in America offers one of the most affordable paths to a Christian bachelor’s degree in California through its Bachelor of Theology. Offered within the context of the Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad, the Bachelor of Theology boasts theological and spiritual exploration and ministry skills development within a bilingual education program. Students of this program develop an integrated Christian worldview that’s complemented with general education courses in communication, philosophy, history, human development, and more. For the best in flexibility and convenience, the Bachelor of Theology features blended instruction that includes on-campus, lecture-based courses along with online virtual live classes and recorded lectures.

America Evangelical University
Los Angeles, CA


america evangelical university logo

BA in Ministry Leadership (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $30,000
Cost Per Credit: $250

Total cost is $76,822 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity

Located within the heart of Los Angeles’ Koreatown, American Evangelical University offers a BA in Ministry Leadership that’s priced among the state’s most affordable Christian programs. The fully online delivery of this program provides students with a truly flexible course of study that allows them to complete the program while still upholding their professional and personal obligations. As part of the Korean Evangelical Church of America, American Evangelical’s BA in Ministry Leadership prepares tomorrow’s church leaders and ministers through fully online classes that are complemented with hands-on practical training. Innovative faculty mentoring and close support through small groups ensure student success here, even while learning from a distance.

Bethesda University
Anaheim, CA


bethesda university logo

BA in Religion (on-campus, online)

  • Biblical Studies
  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Christian Education and Missions

Total Estimated Cost: $29,610
Cost Per Credit: $235

Total cost is $77,212 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Biblical Studies

Bethesda University’s BA in Religion offers tomorrow’s ministers, missionaries, and church leaders with everything needed for success: a fully online course of study… the option of online or on-campus study… and one of the most affordable tuition rates among similar programs in California. Your choice of three specializations allows you to create a personalized program that’s designed with your career goals and interests in mind. This program provides a superb course of study for future Korean/English speaking Christian leaders and professionals in the Pentecostal movement.

SUM Bible College and Theological Seminary
El Dorado Hills, CA


sum bible college logo

BA in Theology and Ministry (on-campus, online)
BA in Worship and Music (on-campus, online)

Total Estimated Cost: $24,800
Cost Per Credit: $200

Total cost is $82,022 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Biblical Studies, MA in Christian Leadership

SUM Bible College and Theological Seminary’s value-priced Christian bachelor’s degrees are offered both online and on-campus for the best in flexibility and convenience. Academic theory here is combined with hands-on ministry experiences and personal mentoring for a truly dynamic, well-rounded course of study in theology and ministry or worship and music. SUM’s online courses are delivered in either asynchronous or synchronous formats. The new Anytime-Anywhere online delivery system offers an alternative to live classes and allows students to complete their coursework according to their professional and personal schedules.

COLORADO - State average: $107,920

Nazarene Bible College 
Colorado Springs, CO


nazarene bible college logo

BA in Ministry (online)

  • Bible and Theology
  • Christian Educational Ministries
  • Counseling for Christian Ministries
  • Hispanic Pastoral Ministries
  • Leadership and Ethics
  • Pastoral Leadership
  • Pastoral Ministries

Total Estimated Cost: $45,600
Cost Per Credit: $380

Total cost is $62,320 below the state average for similar programs!

Nazarene Bible College’s BA in Ministry is affordability and convenience at its finest. Priced well below the state average among similar programs in Colorado, offered as a fully online course of study, and personalized with your choice of seven concentrations, the BA in Ministry is everything tomorrow’s church leaders, missionaries, and pastors are looking for in a quality Christian bachelor’s degree. Online delivery here includes asynchronous study that allows students to complete their coursework wherever and whenever it’s most convenient for them. Nazarene Bible College has been preparing men and women for ministry since 1967 and is one of ten Nazarene institutions of higher education in the U.S.

CONNECTICUT - State average: $142,380

Holy Apostles College and Seminary
Cromwell, CT


holy apostles college seminary logo

BA in Theology (on-campus, online)

Total Estimated Cost: $45,000
Cost Per Credit: $375

Total cost is $97,380 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Pastoral Studies, MA in Theology

The Holy Apostles College and Seminary’s BA in Theology degree is priced  among the most affordable in Connecticut and delivered in an on-campus or online format to accommodate students with different needs. The BA in Theology is a Catholic program that features coursework in scripture, religious education, theological research and writing, catechism of the Catholic church, and more. The college's innovative, year-round online campus allows students to complete courses at their own pace and throughout the year, thereby ensuring a truly flexible and convenient course of study. Interested in double majoring? Complete at least 30 credits in each of any two options, with at least 9 of those credits in upper-level coursework: theology, philosophy, English & humanities, history & social sciences, science & math, and language.

FLORIDA - State average: $63,971

Trinity College of Florida
Trinity, FL


trinity college florida logo

BA in Ministry

  • Intercultural Studies (on-campus)
  • Pastoral Ministry (online)
  • Worship Ministry (on-campus)
  • Youth Ministry (on-campus)

BA in Bible and Theology (on-campus)
BS in Christian Ministry, Trinity Quest (online, on-campus)
BA in Advanced Theological Studies (on-campus)
BS in Business Organizational Leadership

  • Church Management Administration, Trinity Quest (online, on-campus)

Total Estimated Cost: $60,840 ($54,000 online)
Cost Per Credit: $507 ($450 online)

Total cost is $3,131 ($9,971 online) below the state average for similar programs!

You won’t find a school that offers the number of Christian bachelor degrees and the affordability that Trinity College of Florida offers! Featuring a blend of online and on-campus programs in bible, ministry, and theology, Trinity College of Florida offers bachelor’s degrees in the biblical worldview. Choose the Trinity Quest accelerated degree program and you’ll attend classes just one night per week for eight weeks through on-campus or online delivery. All students here graduate with a Bachelor of Arts and receive a double major in Bible and Theology along with their major. Since 1932, Trinity College of Florida has been providing biblically focused educational programs in an evangelical, interdenominational setting.

Palm Beach Atlantic University
School of Ministry
West Palm Beach, FL


palm beach atlantic u logo

BA in Ministry (online)
BA in Christian Studies (online)

Total Estimated Cost: $46,800
Cost Per Credit: $390

Total cost is $17,171 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Christian Studies, MA in Philosophy of Religion

Palm Beach Atlantic University’s undergraduate Christian degrees are priced right, delivered in a fully online format to accommodate your busy lifestyle, and expertly designed to reflect your Christian values. Choose Palm Beach Atlantic for your undergraduate Christian bachelor’s degree and you’ll enjoy plenty of opportunities to get involved and make a difference. Workship (Work + Worship) is an exciting program that allows students to do good in their communities, while student ministry programs provide students with plenty of opportunities to minister and spread the gospel. And if your personal calling to the Lord includes sharing your faith on a global level, you’ll be happy to know that Palm Beach Atlantic University offers an outstanding selection of abroad trips to places like Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand, South America, and Africa.

Southeastern University
Barnett College of Ministry & Theology
Lakeland, FL


southeastern u logo

BS in Ministerial Leadership (online)

  • Biblical Studies
  • Christian Ministry
  • Humanitarian Ministry
  • Pastoral Care & Counseling

Total Estimated Cost: $46,800
Cost Per Credit: $390

Total cost is $17,171 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers on-campus bachelor’s programs at a higher cost: BS in Practical Ministries, BS in Children Youth and Family Ministries, BA in Worship Ministries, and BA in Biblical Studies

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Ministerial Leadership (Executive), MA in Biblical Studies, MA in Theological Studies, MA in Family Ministry, MA in Ministerial Leadership

Southeastern University’s BA in Ministerial Leadership is a budget-friendly program for the online student! Offered in a number of concentration tracks for a truly personalized course of study and priced well below the state average among similar programs, you’ll find the BA in Ministerial Leadership to be a comprehensive, personally fulfilling degree program that will prepare you for exciting positions in churches and faith-based organizations. This program boasts an interdisciplinary curriculum and in-depth study in ministry, the Bible, and theology. It also includes two ministry practicums that will allow you to put your classroom learning into practice. You’ll feel good about choosing Southeastern University for your Christian undergraduate education – many of the faculty here have been recognized among the leading Pentecostal faculty in the nation. Missions coordinator, youth pastor, children’s pastor, outreach coordinator – there’s no limit to the number of outstanding careers the BA in Ministerial Leadership will prepare you for!

The Baptist College of Florida
Theological Division
Graceville, FL


baptist college florida logo

BA in Ministry Studies (on-campus, online)

  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Biblical Studies
  • Evangelism and Missions
  • Church Staff Ministry
  • Student Ministry

BA in Christian Studies – bachelor’s completion program (on-campus, online)
BA in Missions (on-campus, online)

  • Aviation

Total Estimated Cost: $45,000
Cost Per Credit: $375

Total cost is $18,971 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: MA in Christian Studies

Whether on-campus or online, the Baptist College of Florida’s undergraduate Christian degrees are priced right and built with your personal learning goals in mind! The BA in Christian Studies is a bachelor’s degree completion program that’s designed for students who have already completed an associate degree or at least 60 undergraduate credits and are interested in building upon their previous knowledge with rich, foundational courses in theology and the Bible. The BA in Ministry program is ideal for students who are interested in earning a bachelor’s degree aimed at future ministerial work. Personalize this program with your choice of concentrations to create a program that best matches your personal ministry calling. The BA in Missions with a concentration in Aviation includes FAA-approved flight training so you can reach people in need all over the world.

South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary
Deerfield Beach, FL


sfbc logo

BA in Ministry and Leadership (on-campus, online)

  • Family Ministries
  • Missions
  • Pastoral Ministry

BA in Biblical and Theological Studies (on-campus, online)
BA in Christian Counseling (on-campus, online)

  • Clinical Counseling
  • Marriage and Family Therapy

Total Estimated Cost: $34,200
Cost Per Credit: $285

Total cost is $29,771 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Biblical Studies, MA in Christian Counseling, MA in Pastoral Counseling, Master of Theology (Christian Apologetics, New Testament Studies)

South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary’s undergraduate ministry degrees are the flexible, budget-friendly programs you’ve been looking for! Whether you choose on-campus or online study, you’ll be part of a program that’s priced nearly $30,000 below the state average among similar programs. Its flagship ministry and leadership program, which is focused on building church and ministry leaders with personal integrity, business acumen, and leadership skills, offers concentration options that allow students to personalize their undergraduate course of study. You can’t go wrong with SFBC’s online offerings – the school’s been a pioneer in distance education since 1985. Online students here enjoy a strong support system that includes online academic advising, online personal assistance, and small class sizes.

Hobe Sound Bible College
Hobe Sound, FL


hobe sound bible college logo

BA in Ministerial Studies (on-campus, online)

Total Estimated Cost: $26,187
Cost Per Credit: $203

Total cost is $37,784 below the state average for similar programs!

Hobe Sound Bible College’s BA in Ministerial Studies comes in strong as one of the most affordable programs of its kind in Florida. Offering your choice of online or on-campus study for outstanding flexibility and convenience, students of the BA in Ministerial Studies can earn their Christian undergraduate degree while still fulfilling their personal and professional obligations. Best of all, this degree comes with outstanding options for personalization through minors in Intercultural Studies, Music, Counseling, Teaching, Pastoral Ministries, or TESOL. Students of the BA in Ministerial Studies complement their degree by attending monthly meetings of the campus Ministerial Organization and attending workshops and conventions.

Faith Theological Seminary and Christian College
Tampa, FL


faith theological seminary christian college logo

Bachelor of Ministry (on-campus)
Bachelor of Theology (on-campus)
Bachelor of Christian Education (on-campus)

Cost Per Credit: $44

Also offers: Master of Divinity, Master of Ministry, Master of Christian Education, Master of Theology

Faith Theological Seminary and Christian College’s undergraduate Christian degrees are some of the most affordable programs of their kind in Florida and are designed to prepare graduates for personally fulfilling, lifechanging careers in the church and in ministry. Choose the Bachelor of Theology if you’re interested in studying the doctrines of the church more extensively and/or moving on to graduate school. Choose the Bachelor of Ministry if your career plans include full-time ministry in the church and/or future graduate study. Or choose the Bachelor of Christian Education if your aspirations include working in Christian educational programs and/or preparing for graduate studies in Christian Education. All programs are considered “fourth-year,” 30-credit programs that are pursued upon the completion of the college’s Advanced Diploma of Theology or other ministry training program.

GEORGIA - State average: $70,382

Point University
College of Biblical Studies and Ministry
West Point, GA


point university logo

BS in Christian Ministries (online)
BS in Youth and Family Ministries (online)
BS in Applied  Ministry (hybrid)

Total Estimated Cost: $49,200
Cost Per Credit: $410

Total cost is $21,182 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: BA/BS in Biblical Studies (on-campus)

Point University’s undergraduate Christian degrees provide students with affordable, flexible, and convenient courses of study that lead to exciting and personally fulfilling careers in Christian ministry. Asynchronous online learning allows students to study anytime, anywhere it’s most convenient for them, thereby ensuring the flexibility that today’s busy, working adults demand. All degrees here are focused on producing Christ-centered leaders through practical ministry training and professional development. You’ll feel good about choosing an online Christian bachelor’s degree through Point University – classes here are taught by the same respected instructors that teach on-campus students, and small class sizes (low, 13:1 student-to-faculty ratio) ensure a student-centered learning environment.

Beulah Heights University
Atlanta, GA


beulah heights university logo

BA in Religious Studies (on-campus, online)

Cost Per Credit: $318
Total cost is $29,360 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Religious Studies

Beulah Heights University’s BA in Religious Studies isn’t just affordable (although it is priced nearly $30,000 below the state average for programs of its kind) – it’s flexible, convenient, and grounded in the Protestant Christian tradition. Students here earn both an AA and a BA in Religious Studies through this four-year course of study, and classes are offered both online and on-campus at all of the school’s locations throughout Georgia. You’ll enjoy the option of daytime or evening courses in Atlanta, Marietta, Gwinnett, Columbus, and Albany. Small classes ensure a student-centered learning experience and plenty of collaboration and communication with fellow students and faculty, while the nurturing Christian environment ensures a positive and inspiring academic experience. Founded in 1918, Beulah Heights has become one of the country’s oldest and fastest growing Bible institutions. Through its Global Learning Initiative, Beulah Heights has incorporated modern online learning technology (through satellite global extensions and online learning) to welcome students from all over the world.

Luther Rice College and Seminary
Lithonia, GA


luther rice college seminary logo

BA in Religion (on-campus, online, hybrid)

  • Ministry
  • Biblical Counseling
  • Christian Worldview

Total Estimated Cost: $28,560
Cost Per Credit: $238

Total cost is $41,822 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Apologetics, Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling, Master of Arts in Christian Studies, Master of Arts in Leadership, Master of Arts in Ministry

Luther Rice College and Seminary’s BA in Religion offers one of the most affordable pathways to a Christian bachelor’s degree in Georgia! But that’s not all – this program can be personalized through one of three minor options. Its flexible learning environment features your choice of on-campus, online, or hybrid course delivery. Choose a fully online course of study, an on-campus experience, or a blend of the two – the choice is yours! As a student of Luther Rice, you’ll enjoy a Christian-centered learning environment that boasts a faculty whose focus on personal attention ensures a dynamic, exciting, and supportive course of study.

HAWAII - State average: $48,708

Pacific Rim Christian University
Honolulu, HI


pacific rim christian university logo

BA in Arts and Christian Ministry (on-campus, online)
BA in Theological Studies (on-campus)
BA in Bible and Creative Arts (on-campus)
BA in Theology - bachelor’s completion program (on-campus)
BA in Bible and Pastoral Ministry (on-campus)
BA in Bible and Christian Counseling (on-campus)

Total Estimated Cost: $48,708
Cost Per Credit: $396

Only college in Hawaii to offer Christian undergraduate degrees

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Christian Studies, MA in Christian Leadership

Pacific Rim University’s selection of undergraduate Christian degrees is downright impressive and is only topped by its outstanding tuition prices that place it among the most affordable in the region! Regardless of which program you choose, you’ll feel good knowing that Pacific Rim’s programs are all expertly designed to produce effective leaders in ministry and in the marketplace. There are plenty of opportunities to give back here and make a difference. Discipleship and outreach programs allow students to get involved in their campus community or within the greater community.

IDAHO - State average: $93,750

Boise Bible College
Boise, ID


boise bible college logo

BA in Biblical Studies (on-campus)
BA/BA in Christian Psychology (on-campus)
BA/BA in Family and Youth Ministry (on-campus)
BA/BA in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship Ministry (on-campus)
BS in Biblical Literature (on-campus)
BS/BA in Christian Teaching (on-campus)
BA in Worship Arts (on-campus)
BA/BA in Preaching Ministry (on-campus)
BS/BA in Family and Children’s Ministry (on-campus)
BS in Christian Leadership (on-campus, online)

Total Estimated Cost: $48,000
Cost Per Credit: $375

Total cost is $45,750 below the state average for similar programs!

Boise Bible College’s outstanding selection of Christian bachelor’s degrees is only surpassed by its budget-friendly tuition rate! You simply can’t do better than Boise Bible College. Choose among the school’s many traditional, campus-based programs or choose the online Christian Leadership program, which is designed as a “fast track” for students with previous college credits who are actively engaged in serving their local church. You’ll feel good choosing Boise Bible College for your Christian undergraduate education – it’s been preparing the next generation of servant leaders for more than 75 years! In addition to ministry practicums, which are part of every degree program, you’ll enjoy outstanding opportunities to learn beyond the walls of the classroom and make a difference, whether in your community or abroad.

ILLINOIS - State average: $116,227

Loyola University Chicago
Department of Theology
Chicago, IL


loyola university chicago logo

BA in Theology (on-campus)
BA in Religious Studies (on-campus)

Total Estimated Cost: $96,240
Cost Per Credit: $802

Total cost is $19,987 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: MA in Biblical Languages and Literature, MA in Christian Ethics, MA, MA in Biblical Studies, MA in Theology-MA in Women’s and Gender Studies

Loyola University Chicago’s BA in Theology and BA in Religious Studies are at the intersection of quality and affordability. Priced nearly $20,000 below the state average among similar programs, these programs provide students with a budget-conscious path to a career in the church or ministry. The BA in Theology offers an examination of the Christian theological traditional, while the BA in Religious Studies offers a contemporary view of religious studies. Both programs can be personalized through a minor in Theology, Religious Studies, or Pastoral Leadership. These outstanding programs, which are grounded in the Roman Catholic tradition, also provide students with an in-depth understanding of Judaism, Islam, and eastern religious as to ensure a sympathetic appreciation of the beliefs of others.

Lincoln Christian University
Lincoln, IL


lincoln christian university logo

BA in Christian Ministry (on-campus, online)
BA in Biblical Studies (on-campus)
BA in Children and Family Ministry (on-campus)
BA in Preaching Ministry (on-campus)
BA in Worship Ministry (on-campus)
BA in Youth and Family Ministry (on-campus)

Total Estimated Cost: $55,920
Cost Per Credit: $466

Total cost is $60,307 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Biblical Studies, MA in Church History/Historical Theology, MA in Theology, MA in Bible and Theology, MA in Ministry

Lincoln Christian University’s undergraduate Christian degree offerings are priced among the most affordable in Illinois and grounded in a Christ-centered curriculum that prepares students to spread the Word of God through a career in the church and in ministry. Rooted in a nearly 80-year history of producing the next generation of servant leaders, Lincoln Christian University is a leading Christian university that boasts a student-centered learning environment with small class sizes and exceptional opportunities to make a difference. During the 2016-17 school year alone, undergraduates here completed more than 10,300 hours of service learning in different ministries and more than 125 individuals traveled both domestically and abroad.

Moody Bible Institute-Chicago
Chicago, IL


moody bible institute logo

BA in Ministry Leadership (online)

  • Leadership
  • Preaching
  • Ministry to Women
  • Disability Ministry
  • Children and Family Ministry

BA in Music (on-campus)*

  • Music Ministry
  • Worship and Media Arts

BA in Biblical Preaching (on-campus)*
BS in Biblical Studies (on-campus, online)*
BS in Theology and Cultural Engagement (online)*
BA in Biblical Languages (on-campus)
BA in Biblical Studies (on-campus)

  • Music
  • Interdisciplinary

BA in Children and Family Ministry (on-campus)
BS in Integrated Ministry Studies (on-campus)
BA in Ministry to Victims of Sexual Exploitation (on-campus)
BA in Ministry to Women (on-campus)
BA in Missional Leadership - Nonprofit (on-campus)
BA in Pastoral Studies (on-campus)
BS in Theological Studies (online)
BA in Theology (on-campus)
BA in Youth Ministry (on-campus)

Total Estimated Cost: $44,400 (*priced slightly higher $44,700 - $46,620)
Cost Per Credit: $370

Total cost is $71,827 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Ministry Leadership, MA in Biblical Spiritual Formation and Discipleship, MA in Biblical Studies

There are few schools that can compete with Moody Bible Institute of Chicago – both for its affordability (it’s priced more than $71,000 below the state average among similar programs) and for its outstanding selection of Christian bachelor’s degrees. From missional leadership to pastoral studies to theological studies to ministry leadership, you’re sure to find a program here that best meets your specific needs. And thanks to a nice selection of online programs, you can earn your bachelor’s degree while still fulfilling your personal and professional obligations. A student-centered learning environment featuring a low, student-to-teacher ratio of just 15:1… an exceptional 90% job placement rate among graduates…and a world-class faculty are just some of the other benefits of earning your ministry-based bachelor’s degree through the Moody Bible Institute.

Trinity International University-Illinois
Trinity College
Deerfield, IL


trinity international university logo

BA in Christian Ministries (online)

  • Pre-Seminary
  • Family Ministries
  • Broad Field

Total Estimated Cost: $44,640
Cost Per Credit: $372

Total cost is $71,587 below the state average for similar programs!

Also offers on-campus bachelor’s programs at a higher cost: Major in Bible and Ministry (Biblical Studies, Ministry, Pre-Seminary) and BA in Worship Studies (on-campus programs)

Also offers: Master of Divinity, MA in Chaplaincy and Ministry Care, MA in Educational Ministries, MA in Systemic Theology, MA in Church History, MA in New Testament, MA in Old Testament and Semitic Languages, MA in Theological Studies, Master of Theology

Trinity International University’s BA in Christian Ministries is a gem among Illinois’ undergraduate Christian programs. Priced nearly $72,000 below the state average among similar programs, this ministry-based program is among the most affordable in Illinois. It’s also offered in a convenient, online format that allows students to earn their degree while still fulfilling their personal and professional obligations. Choose the BA in Christian Ministries through Trinity International and you’ll also have the option of personalizing your course of study through one of three concentrations. Whether your career goals include working with missions, churches, or parachurch organizations, this program will prepare you with the skills and knowledge you’ll need to become a competent and trusted servant leader.

INDIANA - State average: $106,923

Oakland City University
Oakland City, IN
