Oklahoma is home to black-eyed peas, chicken fried steak, cowboys, and a strong Christian faith. It’s smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt. In fact, the figurative belt buckle lands squarely on Tulsa. Oklahoma is the epitome of the American South, where Christianity isn’t just something you practice – it’s a way of life, influencing and shaping state culture and politics.
Oklahoma is where visitors are encouraged to sit a spell and stay a while and where religion is as commonplace as Sunday supper and sweet tea.
Your unwavering faith in the Lord and personal calling to ministry is a great fit in Oklahoma where, according to the Pew Research Center, about 79% of all adults identify as Christians. Of those, the largest number — 47% — are evangelical protestants, while 18% are mainline protestants and 4% are historically black protestants. The smallest number of Christians here are Catholic (8%), Mormon (1%), Orthodox Christian (<1%) and Jehovah’s Witness (<1%).
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Whether your career aspirations in the church involve participating in life-changing missionary work, overseeing major outreach programs aimed at helping the less fortunate, or leading a congregation of your own, you’ll find Oklahoma to be a welcoming sanctuary where you can realize your dreams of a lifetime in the church.
Here are the steps you’ll want to take to learn how to become a pastor in Oklahoma:
Steps to Become a Pastor in Oklahoma
Step 1. Earn a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Ministry, Pastoral Studies or Other Similar Major in Oklahoma
Christian studies, pastoral ministries, Christian ministries, and religious studies are just a few of the titles given to today's Christian bachelor's degrees. These four-year degrees are designed to prepare the next generation of religious workers, church leaders, missionaries and theologians through a comprehensive curriculum that includes study and interpretation of Scripture, biblical history, and biblical languages. Christian bachelor's degrees also include study in the practical aspects of ministry, preparing students to become competent and capable religious workers.
Courses in the liberal arts such as communications, psychology, and business round out many Christian bachelor's degrees.
In addition to preparing you for a wide array of ministry and church jobs, a Christian bachelor's degree also provides the ideal foundation for future study at the graduate level.
Step 2. Look for Ministry Jobs and Gain Experience Serving the People and Churches of Oklahoma
Once you've earned a Christian bachelor's degree, you'll be well-qualified to assume a wide array of church and ministry jobs like deacon, youth pastor, Bible studies teacher, church administrator, and missionary leader.
Oklahoma is home to countless opportunities to put your Christian bachelor's degree to good use. For example, you may choose to pursue a job in a Christian outreach program like Jesus House in Oklahoma City, which operates an addiction recovery treatment center and also provides services to the area's homeless. This dual-mission organization provides services to the men and women of Oklahoma City who are addicted, homeless, and underprivileged.
You may also get involved with an organization like Oklahoma Baptists in Oklahoma City, which advances the gospel by connecting people with ministry programs aimed at young adults, families, men, women, youth, and more.
Explore Ministry Jobs with One of Oklahoma's Many Churches
You may be well-served by starting your search for church and ministry jobs by checking out the many programs found within Oklahoma's largest churches. From domestic and global missionary trips to extensive community outreach programs to ministry programs, churches in Oklahoma are often the source of the most exciting jobs. Just some of the largest churches in Oklahoma where you'll likely find plentiful job opportunities include:
- Asbury United Methodist Church, Tulsa
- Bethany First Church of the Nazarene
- Broken Arrow Baptist Church, Tulsa
- Cathedral of Praise, Oklahoma City
- Church at Battle Creek, Broken Arrow
- Church of the Harvest, Oklahoma City
- Church of the Servant, Oklahoma City
- Church on the Move, Tulsa
- Council Road Baptist Church, Bethany
- Crossings Community Church, Oklahoma City
- Crossroads Cathedral, Oklahoma City
- Destiny Church, Broken Arrow
- Edmond's First Baptist Church, Edmond
- Faith Tabernacle, Oklahoma City
- First Baptist Church Altus, Altus
- First Baptist Church, Broken Arrow
- First Baptist Church, Oklahoma City
- Grace Church, Broken Arrow
- Henderson Hills Baptist Church, Edmond
- Journey Church, Norman
- Memorial Road Church of Christ, Edmond
- People's Church, Oklahoma City
- Rhema Bible Church, Tulsa
- Southwest Baptist Church, Oklahoma City
- Victory Christian Center, Tulsa
- Victory Church, Oklahoma City
- Victory Life Family Worship Center, Durant
- Westmoore Community Church, Oklahoma City
Salary Expectations for Church Ministry Jobs in Oklahoma
Religious workers in Oklahoma earned an average salary of $22,880 as of May 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The top earners in this profession (top 10%) earned about $30,610 during this time.
Step 3. Earn a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Similar Graduate Degree in Oklahoma and Establish Your Role in Christian Leadership
If your career plans include landing a senior-level church leader position or pastoral job, you’ve likely considered earning a graduate ministry degree like the Master of Divinity (MDiv) or the Master of Theology.
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) and similar ministry degrees at the graduate level are largely required for students who want to learn how to become a pastor and become ordained. These programs include in-depth study in the Scripture and the Christian tradition while also teaching students the practical skills needed to serve as a minister or other church leader.
Many of these programs offer specialization options in areas like youth ministry, missionary work, urban ministry, and church planting. Many are also offered in a partially or fully online format. Master of Divinity online programs allow students to continue to meet their personal and professional obligations while earning their ministry degree on their own time and from the comfort of their home.
Salary Expectations for Pastor Jobs in Oklahoma
According to the BLS, members of Oklahoma clergy earned an average salary of $49,680 as of May 2020, while those at the top of the pay scale (top 10%) earned about $71,790.
Directors of religious activities and education in Oklahoma earned an average salary of $44,900, and the highest earners (top 10%) earned about $88,880.
Step 4. Consider Forming a Christian Ministry of Your Own in Oklahoma
For some, a calling to serve the Lord culminates in establishing a church of their own. Your passion for preaching the Gospel, along with your natural leadership ability and commitment to reaching more people through the Word of God may lead you to consider planting your own church. If you are considering pursuing this life-changing mission, you'll need to ensure you meet all necessary state and federal requirements.
In Oklahoma, this means first reserving the name of your church with the Secretary of State. Next, you'll request a Federal Identification Number (FEIN) from the Internal Revenue Service and apply for tax exempt status by registering your church as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
You'll then register your church as a charitable organization through the Oklahoma Secretary of State by completing the registration form. If you will solicit donations as part of your church, you'll also complete the Professional Fundraiser Information attachment (Form 101A). You'll need to also include a copy of your federal income tax exemption from the IRS with your registration application.
2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures and job market trends for Religious Workers, Church Directors, and Clergy based on state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed January 2022.
Christian Colleges in Oklahoma
Family of Faith Christian University Global Awakening Theological Seminary
BA in Church Ministry (campus)
BA in Education (campus)
Master of Divinity (campus)
- Bible
- Ministry
MA in Evangelism (campus)
MA in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
MA in Bible (campus)
Oklahoma University Hobbs School of Theology
BA in Biblical and Theological Studies (campus)
- Biblical Studies
- Biblical Languages
- Bible and Theology
- History and Theology
- Practical Theology
BA in Philosophy (campus)
- Apologetics
BA in Christian Ministry (campus)
- Pastoral
- Student
- Women's
BA in Cross-Cultural Ministry (campus)
BA in Interdisciplinary in Theological and Ministry (campus)
BA in Worship Studies (campus)
MA in Christian Studies (campus)
Oklahoma Christian University College of Humanities and Bible, Division of Bible
BA in Bible (campus)
BA in Bible and Ministry (campus)
BA in Youth Ministry (campus)
Major in Missions (this is offered as a second major)
Major in Vocational Ministry (this is offered as a second major)
Master of Divinity (campus)
Other areas:
Master of Biblical and Theological Studies (campus)
MA in Christianity and Culture (campus)
Oklahoma Wesleyan University School of Ministry & Christian Thought
BA/BS in Biblical and Theological Studies (campus)
BS in Ministry and Leadership (campus)
Major in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
- Biblical & Theological Studies
- Church Planting & Discipleship
- Global Studies
- Non-Profit Operations
- Pastoral Counseling
- Sports & Recreational Leadership
- Worship Arts
- Worship Production
- Youth & Family Ministry
Phillips Seminary
Master of Divinity (campus)
MA in Ministry and Culture (campus)
Master of Theological Studies (campus)
Randall University
BA in Christian Ministry (campus)
- Pastoral Ministry
- Theology
- Youth and Family Ministry
BA in Ministry and Business (campus)
- Pastoral
- Youth and Family Ministry
BA in Worship and Music Studies (campus)
MA in Ministry (campus)
Southern Nazarene University School of Theology and Ministry
BA in Missions (campus)
BA/BS in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
BA/BS in Theology (campus)
BS in Youth Ministry (campus)
BS in Music (campus)
- Worship Arts (School of Music)
Southwestern Christian University
BA in Christian Ministry (campus)
BA in Biblical Studies (campus)
BS in Christian Leadership (campus)
BS in Christian Leadership (campus)
BA in Intercultural Studies (campus)
MA in Theological Studies (campus)
Master of Ministry-Theology, Global Transformation (campus)
Online Christian Universities in Oklahoma
Oral Roberts University College of Theology and Ministry
BA in Christian Caregiving and Counseling (online)
BS in Worship Arts (online)
BS in Global Ministry and the Marketplace (online)
BA in Biblical Literature (online)
- English Bible
- New Testament
- Old Testament
BA in Ministry and Leadership (online)
- Evangelism and Outreach
- Intercultural Studies
- Local Church Pastor
- Sports Ministry
- Youth and Family Ministry
BA in Theological Historical Studies (online)
Master of Christian Ministry (online)
MA in Biblical Literature-Advanced Languages (online)
MA in Theological/Historical Studies (online)