“The better we become, the better we can make people around us,” Pastor Bryant Bacon believes. “My goal is always to encourage people, equip them and engage them to go out and do what they were taught.”
For nearly 20 years, as pastor of Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Cass County, Pastor Bryant has provided consistent and purposeful outreach opportunities to the Niles community. Ministries such as Helping Hands, a food pantry ministry that has served and provided for the local and surrounding community, are also among the efforts he is most proud of.
Pastor Bacon’s church also provides a clothing closet for people in need, and for the past four years, Pastor Bacon has served as a board member for the Benton Harbor-based Mosaic Christian Community Development Association with the goal of providing skills, employment, and hope to those who have been incarcerated.
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In short, Pastor Bacon has done more than merely talk the talk of a church leader in Michigan, he has walked the walk. That’s exactly the type of decisive action it takes to become a pastor in Michigan.
If you, like Pastor Bryant, are eager to help those around you, if you have a passion for the Word of God, and hope to inspire your community to do and be better, becoming a pastor or church leader just might be the place for you. And this site can help you get there.
Below you will find a step-by-step guide showing you exactly how to become a pastor in Michigan, as well as how to start your own church, if ever you feel called or led to do so.
Steps to Become a Pastor in Michigan
Step 1. Earn a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Ministry, Pastoral Studies or Other Similar Major in Michigan
To be from Michigan is to be a member of the proud and diverse working class. Understanding who they are, their backgrounds and demographics, their daily lives and personal ambitions, and then applying the Word of God to them is a daunting yet essential task of church leadership that requires a great deal of purposeful learning and growth. Obtaining a bachelor's degree in ministry, pastoral studies, bible studies or another Christ-centered area of study will help you get started.
To lead a church, you must be well equipped with more than a heart for people and a passion for the Word of God. You must have a foundational understanding of math and history, literature and art, of agriculture and business. You must be able to communicate effectively, problem solve ethically, and work well with others. In short, you must be all things to all the men and women who fill your church. Especially for Michiganians, a people group accustomed to hard work, lake-effect conditions, natural wonders, and community.
In addition, a Christ-focused undergraduate degree will also help build and strengthen your knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, establishing your ability to understand and preach the Word, as well as pave the way for advanced degrees such as a Master of Divinity (MDiv). Which, as an aspiring church leader, is a critical next step in your journey.
Step 2. Look for Ministry Jobs and Gain Experience Serving the People and Churches of Michigan
Pastor Bacon is not the only church leader making a difference through ministry. Pastor Arric Wilkerson of Up From the World Ministries, a prolific and revolutionary preacher of the Word and a visionary and community leader who believes that "the church has a responsibility to do something in the communities we worship in,” he said in a WXYZ Detroit News interview.
And like Pastor Bryant, Pastor Wilkerson does more walking than talking.
For over ten years, Up From the World Ministries has purchased 25 homes in Santa Rosa and Stoepel for the purpose of renovating and preparing them for those in need of a home. This vision, inspired by Pastor Wilkerson, has encouraged and guided others in his church to lead, including plumbers, painters, and carpenters and other members of their church to donate their time and efforts. According to the interview, “Wilkerson estimates that the church spends up to about $30,000 on each home which is then rented out to parishioners for $500 a month.”
To become a pastor in Michigan you will need more than a degree, you will need experience. Experience working in a church and experience serving and ministering others.
Fortunately, Michigan has a variety of ways to do so, and you can find a bulk of them at the Michigan Department of Health and Services website. From volunteer transportation for “Health screening, dental clinics, foster care, delinquency, adult services,” to doing small labor jobs for those in need or volunteering for the Christmas Clearing House and coordinating “a gift or food basket distribution and organizing ‘Caring Trees,'” there are plenty of ways for you to help and serve those in need.
There are also several churches all throughout Michigan for you to partner with.
Explore Ministry Jobs with One of Michigan's Many Churches
Throughout Michigan, there are a variety of churches who need support. Some of the larger churches include:
- Ada Bible Church in Ada
- Apostolic Church of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills
- Blythefield Hills Baptist Church in Rockford
- Calvary Bible Church in Kalamazoo
- Calvary Church in Grand Rapids
- Christ Memorial Reformed Church in Holland
- Cornerstone United Methodist Church in Caledonia
- Detroit World Outreach Center in Redford
- Fair Haven Ministries in Hudsonville
- First Wesleyan Church in Battle Creek
- Grace Christian Church in Sterling Heights
- Grand Rapids First Assembly of God in Grand Rapids
- Kensington Community Church in Troy
- Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville
- Mount Zion in Clarkston
- New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit
- NorthRidge Church in Plymouth
- Oak Pointe Church in Novi
- Perfecting Church in Detroit
- Pioneer Memorial Church in Berrien Springs
- Riverview Church in Holt
- Saint Lorenz Lutheran Church in Frankenmuth
- Trinity Church in Lansing
- Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield
Salary Expectations for Church Ministry Jobs in Michigan
For non-leadership religious workers in Christian ministry, the annual average salary in Michigan is $39,680, while the highest earners in the top ten percent make $63,060 or more.
Step 3. Earn a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Similar Graduate Degree in Michigan and Establish Your Role in Christian Leadership
Currently, there are no licensing or registration requirements for pastors or other members of clergy in the state of Michigan, leaving the requirements of church leadership to be set by the church elders and established bylaws of each individual church.
To establish your role in Christian leadership, a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or another similar graduate degree will be required. Earning a graduate degree in a Christ-centered program will not only provide you with a more in-depth understanding of the Bible, theology, ministry, and service, it will guide you through the process of servant leadership, establishing and implementing a vision for the church, and how to minister to the many diverse needs of the men and women of Michigan.
Like Pastor Bryant and Wilkerson, obtaining a graduate degree will provide you the proper tools and biblical foundations for implementing the Christian faith into life outside the building, enabling you and your church members to live out in flesh the truth of the Sunday sermons.
An MDiv program typically takes three to four years to complete and can be earned either online, in person, or a combination of the two.
Salary Expectations for Pastor Jobs in Michigan
The annual average salary for pastors and other members of clergy in Michigan is $47,110, with the top 10% earning more than $67,500 as of 2020.
Step 4. Consider Forming a Christian Ministry of Your Own in Michigan
Instead of joining an already established church, for many, there is a calling to start their own church. If you are one of those people, if you feel called to serve your community with a new and unique church, there are a few things to consider.
First and foremost is the support and encouragement from family and friends. The second is the legal requirements of Michigan for starting and establishing your own church.
To be legally recognized as an established church in Michigan, there are a few steps that must be followed.
- Name your church. Make sure your name is unique and does not conflict with any other registered organization in Michigan. It must also meet all state requirements, of which you can find at the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website.
- Name Incorporators and Directors. The incorporator will be responsible for signing the Articles of Incorporation for your church. Directors, however, make up the governing body and are the stakeholders. You will need at least one incorporator and a minimum of three directors.For the state of Michigan, you will also need a president, secretary, and treasurer. Although two or more offices may be held by the same individual, they may sign in one capacity only, when the signatures of two officers are required.
- Appoint a Registered Agent. This appointed individual will be responsible for receiving legal notices on behalf of your church. They must be a resident of Michigan with an office address physically located within the state and open during regular business hours.The local Michigan registered agent office is located in Okemos.
- File Articles of Incorporation. This document will officially mark the creation of and identify the existence of your church in Michigan. It will also allow you to apply for 501(c)(3) exemption.You can find specific directions on how to file at Michigan.gov under The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.
- Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Your EIN is a unique, nine-digit number that the IRS will assign, identifying your church as nonprofit. You will use this number to open bank accounts, apply for 501(c)(3) status, and when submitting your 990 tax returns to the IRS.
- Create Bylaws and Policies. Your bylaws are the governing documents of your church and serve as the foundation for decision making. The conflict of interest policy, which you will need to create, ensures that all decisions are made with the interest of the church at heart, not any one individual. Your 501(c)(3) application will require that both your bylaws and conflict of interest policy have been approved and adopted by your church board of directors.
- Hold an Official Meeting: At this meeting, your board of directors will approve the bylaws and conflict of interest, as well as elect and appoint church leaders.
- Obtain Michigan State Tax Identification Numbers and Accounts: You will have to fill out form 518 and submit it to the Michigan Department of Treasury
- Apply for 501(c)(3) exemption. This section is the most daunting portion of the church planting journey. With an overall estimate of well over 100 hours to complete the process, church leaders are encouraged to hire a professional who is accustomed to the language, process, and criteria of applying for a 501(c)(3).
- Register for Fundraising. Depending on your vision and scope of influence of your church, you may need to register in multiple states. But first and foremost, you must register for charitable solicitation with the state of Michigan at the Michigan Attorney General agency. You must then register all soliciting donations thereafter on an annual basis.
2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures and job market trends for Religious Workers, Church Directors, and Clergy based on state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed January 2022.
Christian Colleges in Michigan
Calvin University Humanities
Major in Religion (campus)
Concordia University
BA in Biblical Studies (campus)
BA in Christian Thought (campus)
BA in Family Life Ministry (campus)
Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (campus)
- Traditional
- Urban Transformation and Renewal
MA in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
MA in Biblical Studies (campus)
Kuyper College
BS in Ministry Leadership (campus)
Madonna University
Bachelor of Music (campus)
BA in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
BA in Religious Studies (campus)
MA in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
MS in Catholic School Leadership (campus)
Rochester University
BS in Christian Ministry (campus)
Master of Religious Education in Missional Leadership (campus)
Spring Arbor University
BA in Biblical and Theological Studies (campus)
BA in Christian Ministry (campus)
Online Christian Universities in Michigan
Andrews University Department of Religion and Biblical Languages
BA in Theology (campus)
BA in Religion (online, campus)
BA in Religion Secondary Education (campus)
Master of Divinity (hybrid, campus) - School of Graduate Studies
MDiv-MS in Community and International Development (hybrid, campus)
MDiv-MSW (hybrid, campus)
MDiv-MPH (hybrid, campus)
Calvin Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (hybrid, campus)
Cornerstone University
BS in Missions Aviation (campus)
BA in Music - Worship Arts (campus)
BS in Ministry (campus)
BS in Biblical Studies (campus)
BS in Ministry Leadership (campus)
Master of Divinity (campus) - Grand Rapids Theological Seminary
- Pastoral Ministries
- Student and Family Ministries
- Small Group and Discipleship Ministries
- Intercultural Ministries
- Formation and Soul Care Ministries
- Chaplaincy Ministries
- Academic
Grace Christian University
BS in Biblical Studies (campus)
- Criminal Justice
- General Ministry
- Global Communication
- Pastoral Ministry
- Women's Ministry
- Youth Ministry
Bachelor of Music in Worship Arts (campus)
- Music
- Worship
- Technology
BS in Leadership and Ministry (online)
MA in Ministry (online)
Great Lakes Christian College
BS in Bible/Theology (campus)
Additional Majors:
Advanced Biblical Studies
Business Management
Business Management–Nonprofit
Early Childhood Education
Family Life Education
History (Traditional History, Public Policy)
Interpersonal and Organizational Communication
Ministry (Children’s Ministry Concentration, Church Planting Concentration, Cross-Cultural Ministry Concentration, Discipleship and Small Groups Ministry Concentration, Pastoral Ministry Concentration, Sports Ministry Concentration, Youth Ministry Concentration)
Music (Single Instrument, Worship Arts)
BS in Church Planting (online)
BS in Christian Leadership & Communication (online)
- Youth Ministry
Western Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (online, campus)
- Option for dual degree with MSW-MDiv
MA in Christian Studies (online, campus)
Master of Theology (online, campus)