The state of Kentucky has received a unique blessing, with more miles of running water than any state in the lower 48. “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” is a fitting motto for a state filled with dedicated people who are proud of their work and committed to each other. And much like the running waters that weave throughout the state, Kentucky is full of life.
It is also in need of dedicated church leaders.
More than 75% of Kentucky residents claim Christianity as their base religion, yet 22% claim no religion at all. And that number is growing.
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With the nation-wide drop in church attendance (now under 50% of the population, according to Gallup), churches are fighting harder than ever to maintain a position of relevance in people’s lives. This is something that Paul Prather, pastor of the Pentecostal Bethesda Church near Mount Sterling, thinks is potentially a good thing.
“The earliest Christians were barely more than an obscure splinter group,” he wrote in a column published in the Lexington Herald-Leader, “but they were serious, and they persevered, and they changed the world.”
If you are interested in becoming a pastor in Kentucky, if you hope to be another river of Life to the men and women of Kentucky – if you are serious about changing the world through a lifetime of service, there is perhaps no greater time to do so than now.
Below is an outline of what it takes to become a pastor in Kentucky, as well as the required steps to start your own church, if ever you feel led.
Steps to Become a Pastor in Kentucky
Step 1. Earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry, Pastoral Studies or Other Similar Major in Kentucky
To be an effective church leader, understanding the scriptures isn’t enough. Relating to your congregation is crucial. So too is understanding the needs and lifestyles of those you serve, refining the many soft skills needed to work with people, and learning how to communicate both passionately and effectively. It’s exactly those kinds of skills that a bachelor’s degree will provide.
That means that to become a pastor in Kentucky, for most the first step is to earn a Christ-centered bachelor’s degree in Christian ministry, pastoral studies, or similar major.
Even as you study general courses in math and history, literature and art, you will find His presence there, and discover your own inspiration in it.
In addition to courses in your major including Biblical Hermeneutics, Foundations of Christianity, and Pastoral Leadership, you could select electives that let you touch on topics as diverse and important to church leadership in Kentucky as business and agriculture. All of it will better prepare you to keep Kentucky healthy and strong, and understand and relate to those who attend your church and live within your community. The more people can relate to you, the greater opportunity you will have to share Christ, preach the Word, and make an impact.
A Christ-focused undergraduate degree will also build and strengthen your knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, establishing your ability to understand and preach the Word, as well as pave the way for an advanced degree, such as a Master of Divinity (MDiv).
Step 2. Look for Ministry Jobs and Gain Experience Serving the People and Churches of Kentucky
“Leadership is not best learned from books or in a classroom,” Todd Gray writes in Kentucky Today, “but instead in real-life and in real-time scenarios.”
And he isn’t alone in his conviction.
From Dan Summerlin of First Baptist Lone Oak, to Matt Shamblin of Rose Hill Baptist in Ashland and Jeremy Pellum of Hurstbourne Baptist in Louisville, pastors across the state are leaning in to their communities, learning from them and about them, and finding new and creative ways to connect with and serve them. They are sharing the gospel. And sometimes, they use their words. More often, however, they use their actions.
So can you.
Among the hundreds of churches and volunteer organizations across the state who are eager to help their local communities, you will find no shortage of unique and real ways to serve Kentuckians. Organizations such as Kentucky Tornado Disaster or the Hospice of Lake Cumberland which serves the counties of Pulaski, Wayne, McCreary, Casey, Russell, Clinton, and Cumberland. Among many other volunteer organizations, there is For Goodness Cakes, a 100% volunteer-led organization that believes “that every kid deserves to be celebrated,” and takes action to make sure their motto is more than just talk.
Explore Ministry Jobs with One of Kentucky's Many Churches
Earning a degree is essential to becoming a pastor. But as Pastor Todd Gray expressed, gaining the real-life, real-time experiences of leadership is just as valuable. Experiences that will forever impact the way you not only see the world and the people who live in it, but that will forever influence the way you lead your church.
Throughout Kentucky, there are a variety of churches who need support. Some of the larger churches include:
- Bates Memorial Baptist Church in Louisville
- Canaan Christian Church in Louisville
- Crossroads Christian Church in Lexington
- Evangel World Prayer Center in Louisville
- First Church of Christ in Burlington
- Heartland Worship Center in Paducah
- Highview Baptist Church in Louisville
- Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington
- Living Hope Baptist Church in Bowling Green
- Northeast Christian Church in Louisville
- Owensboro Christian Church in Owensboro
- Quest Community Church in Lexington
- Saint Stephen Church in Louisville
- Seven Hills Church in Florence
- Sojourn Christian Church in Louisville
- Southeast Christian Church in Louisville
- Southland Christian Church in Nicholasville
- Valley View Church in Louisville
Step 3. Earn a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Similar Graduate Degree in Kentucky and Establish Your Role in Christian Leadership
Currently, there are no licensing or registration requirements for pastors or other members of clergy in the state of Kentucky. The requirements are therefore set by the church elders and established bylaws of each individual church.
To be considered and established as a church leader however, most churches - especially the larger, more prominent ones, will require a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or another similar graduate degree.
In addition to your undergrad degree and years of experience, a graduate degree will provide you a more in-depth understanding of the Bible, theology, ministry, and service. It will establish in you a firm foundation from which you can build your leadership vision, mission, and tangible actions.
An MDiv program typically takes three to four years to complete and can be earned either online, in person, or a combination of the two.
Salary Expectations for Pastor Jobs in Kentucky
Pastors and other members of clergy in church leadership roles in Kentucky earn an average of $53,510, with the top 10% earning more than $79,280.
The average salary for church directors and those in other administrative roles in Kentucky is $49,540, with the top 10% earning $95,700 or more.
Step 4. Consider Forming a Christian Ministry of Your Own in Kentucky
For many, instead of joining an already established church, there is a calling to start their own ministry. If you are one of those people, if you feel called to serve your community with a new and unique church, there are a few things to consider.
First and foremost is the support and encouragement from family and friends. The second is the legal requirements of Kentucky for starting and establishing your own church.
To be legally recognized as an established church in Kentucky, there are a few steps that must be followed.
- Name your church. In order to incorporate your church with the state you will need a name that is unique and that does not conflict with other organizations and churches. You can check name availability in Kentucky here.
- Name Incorporators and Directors. The incorporator is responsible for signing the Articles of Incorporation while the directors are in charge of governing your church. You will need at least one incorporator and at least three directors in order to comply with the IRS and Kentucky requirements.
- Appoint a Registered Agent. Your registered agent is responsible for receiving all legal notices on behalf of your church. They must have a physical address in Kentucky and have an office that is open during regular business hours.
- File Articles of Incorporation. This document will officially identify the existence of your church in Kentucky and allow you to apply for 501(c)(3) exemption.
- Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Your EIN is a unique, nine-digit number that the IRS will assign, identifying your church as a nonprofit. You will use this number to open bank accounts, apply for 501(c)(3) status, and when submitting your 990 tax returns to the IRS.
- Create Bylaws and Policies. Your bylaws are your governing documents and serve as the basis for all decision making for the church. You will also need to create a conflict of interest policy which ensures all decisions are made with the interest of the church at heart, not any one individual. Your 501(c)(3) application will require that both your bylaws and conflict of interest policy have been approved and adopted by your church board of directors.
- Hold an Official Meeting: This meeting must include your board of directors who will need to approve the bylaws, adopt the conflict of interest, and elect and appoint church leaders.
- Apply for 501(c)(3) exemption. This is perhaps the most daunting portion of the church planting journey. Church leaders are often encouraged to hire a professional who is accustomed to the language, process, and criteria of applying for a 501(c)(3) as it not only includes a great deal of very specific language, it can take well over 100 hours to complete.
- Register for Fundraising. Depending on the size of your church - and your vision - you may need to register in multiple states. First and foremost, however, you must register for charitable solicitation with the state of Kentucky at the Office of the Attorney General. You must then register all soliciting donations thereafter on an annual basis.
2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures and job market trends for Religious Workers, Church Directors, and Clergy based on state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed January 2022.
Christian Colleges in Kentucky
Campbellsville University School of Theology
BA/BS in Biblical Studies (campus)
BA/BS in Christian Missions (campus)
BA/BS in Educational Ministries (campus)
BS in Marriage and Family Ministry (campus)
BS in Pastoral Ministries (online, campus)
Master of Divinity (online)
- Missions & Ministry Leadership
- Biblical Studies
- Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy
Master of Theology (online)
Kentucky Mountain Bible College Ministerial Studies Department
Major in Pastoral Ministries (campus)
Major in Biblical Languages (campus)
Major in Youth Ministry (campus)
Major in Evangelistic Ministries (campus)
Major in Church Leadership (campus)
Music Department
Major in Worship Ministry (campus)
Major in Music Ministry (campus)
Missions and Intercultural Studies Department
Major in Cross-Cultural Missions (campus)
Major in Missional Christianity (campus)
Major in Biblical Studies (campus)
Major in Christian Ministries (campus)
Discipleship Department
Major in Discipleship and Christian Education (campus)
Major in Child Evangelism and Discipleship (campus)
Major in Youth Evangelism and Discipleship (campus)
Major in Family Ministries (campus)
Major in Intergenerational Ministries (campus)
Major in Educational Church Ministries (campus)
Major in Community Spiritual Formation (campus)
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (campus)
MA in Religion (campus)
Online Christian Universities in Kentucky
Asbury Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (online, campus)
- Church Planting
- Anglican Studies
- Chaplaincy
- Christian Discipleship
- Christian Leadership
- Intercultural Studies
- Pastoral Counseling
- Spiritual Formation
- Theological Studies
- Youth Ministry
Asbury University Christian Studies and Philosophy Department
BS in Leadership and Ministry (online)
BS in Ministry Management (online)
BA in Bible Theology (campus)
BA in Christian Ministries (campus)
BA in Intercultural Studies (campus)
BA in Youth Ministry (campus)
BA in Worship Arts (campus)
Lexington Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (hybrid)
Master in Pastoral Studies (hybrid)
Master of Theological Studies (hybrid)
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Boyce College
BA in Biblical and Theological Studies (online, campus)
BA in Expository Preaching and Pastoral Leadership (campus)
BA in Christian Worldview & Apologetics (campus)
BS in Biblical Studies (campus)
Master of Divinity (online, campus)
- Christian Ministry
- Great Commission Studies
- Apologetics
- Biblical and Theological Studies
- Biblical Counseling
- Biblical Spirituality
- Ethics and Philosophy
- Evangelism and Missions
- Islamic Studies
- Leadership and Discipleship
- Missions and Bible Translation
- Missions and Bible Counseling
- Missions and Church Planting
- Pastoral Studies
- Worship Leadership
MA in Apologetics (online, campus)
MA in Biblical Counseling (online, campus)
MA in Christian Education (online, campus)
MA in Church Ministries (online, campus)
MA in Church Music (online, campus)
MA in Discipleship and Family Ministry (online, campus)
MA in Islamic Studies (online, campus)
MA in Missiology (online, campus)
MA in Theological Studies (online, campus)
- Intercultural Leadership
- Lay Leadership
MA in Worship Leadership (online, campus)
BA+M.Div (online, campus)
Master of Theology (online, campus)
- Biblical Studies
- Biblical Theology
- Church History
- Evangelism and Missions
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Philosophy Worldview and Apologetics
- Systematic Theology
- Biblical Theology and Exegesis
- Evangelism and Missions
- Philosophy Worldview and Apologetics
- Practical Theology
- Theological and Historical Studies