For almost 50 years, Pastor Carson Johnson has faithfully and diligently served, taught, and supported the people of Abilene Bible Baptist Church. And to this day, he can still remember the moment and the verse that brought him to a lifetime of service.
After reading Romans 1:16, Pastor Carson recalls feeling the calling to preach the gospel. In order to do so, he had to change his major, add an extra year of schooling, and eventually move to Abilene, Kansas.
A move he, nor his wife, were all too excited about initially but quickly warmed up to and soon embraced. “When the Lord leads in your heart and you know you are supposed to be doing something,” Pastor Carson explained to Abilene-RC.com, “you do it.”
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And to this day, over 47 years later, Pastor Carson has no regrets. “If we keep on moving forward for the Lord,” Carson believes, “we will be satisfied.”
If you are here, reading these words, it means you too have a stirring and potential calling to lead, teach, and encourage the men and women of Kansas. It means, like Pastor Carson, you are ready to start a journey of walking towards and with Christ as a leader of a Church and servant of your community.
It means you are ready to “press towards the goal to the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).
If you are interested in knowing more about full time ministry options, below is a step-by-step guide to understanding the qualifications required to become a pastor in Kansas as well as the steps needed to start your own church.
Steps to Become a Pastor in Kansas
Step 1. Earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry, Pastoral Studies or Other Similar Major in Kansas
The first step to becoming a pastor in Kansas is to earn a bachelor’s degree, preferably in a Christ-centered area of study, such as pastoral studies, divinity, or Christian theology.
Earning a degree involves engaging in discussions about history, race, culture, society, gender, and politics. It means being exposed to people of different backgrounds from communities different from own. A four-year Christian degree will help ground and uplift you as you explore the history, present, and potential future of Kansas, and the world.
With over 60% of Kansans between the ages of 19 and 64, the state is made up of a great many types of people, all of them hard working. Be it farmers or ranchers, blue collar workers or professionals working in the glass towers of Topeka and Kansas City, the state is composed of diverse people, all of which are proud to call Kansas home – and many of which are filled with joy to call Christ their savior.
In addition to deepening your understanding of the scriptures, you’ll come away with some general knowledge and leadership skills that will serve you well as a Christian leader. Earning a Christian bachelor’s degree will provide you not only a greater understanding of some of the soft skills required for leadership – communication, listening, time management, and more – it will provide you with a more nuanced understanding of the people you are leading in service, the lives they live, and the burdens they carry. It will allow you opportunities to relate to your congregation, which is an essential skill of any pastor.
Earning a Christian bachelor’s degree will also open the door for you to pursue a Master of Divinity or similar advanced degree, a common requirement for church leadership positions in Kansas.
Step 2. Look for Ministry Jobs and Gain Experience Serving the People and Churches of Kansas
“The ‘urgent’ things in our lives are issues primarily of this world which have no bearing on eternity,” Richard Spann, director of Kansas Communities Ministries, writes, “The ‘important’ things are those which will make a difference in eternity - to our lives and those of others.”
Kansas Communities Ministry (KCM) is an organization dedicated to bringing into being “a discipling movement committed to changing the world one person at a time.”
Journey Church, located just outside Kansas City and their Journey Outreach Ministry, has a similar vision and conviction.
Through their mobile food pantry, global ministries in Asia, India, and Ethiopia, and local partnerships with City Union Mission and Camp Cumcito which serves at-risk kids in the K.C. area, Journey Church is dedicated to reaching out and helping those in need.
Becoming a pastor in Kansa is so much more than preaching on Sunday mornings. It is a life dedicated to caring for and serving those in need. Gaining experience is not only beneficial to you as a future church leader, it is critical to the process of gaining knowledge and understanding the hearts and minds of the people you are dedicated to serve.
Gaining and education may be considered urgent as it provides you the proper qualifications to become a church leader. Service, however, is important because it reminds us why we are becoming church leaders in the first place: to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.
Explore Ministry Jobs with One of Kansas's Many Churches
Throughout Kansas, there are a number of ministry opportunities such as Mission Adelente, a company committed to serving the immigrant and refugee community of Kansas City, Freedom House Ministries in Merriam that is committed to providing Christian-based residential treatment to hurting teens, and Christian Soup Ministry Inc located in Hutchinson and is dedicated to providing food for the homeless and those in need.
There are also a number of churches, scattered all throughout Kansas, that you can join or partner with.
- Central Christian Church, in Wichita
- Central Community Church, in Wichita
- Church of the Resurrection, in Leawood
- College Church of the Nazarene, in Olathe
- Heartland Community Church, in Olathe
- Lenexa Christian Center, in Shawnee Mission
- Olathe Bible Church, in Olathe
- Pathway Church, in Wichita
- Westside Family Church, in Lenexa
Step 3. Earn a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Similar Graduate Degree in Kansas and Establish Your Role in Christian Leadership
In order to be qualified to lead a church in Kansas, in many cases you will be expected to hold an advanced degree, namely a Master of Divinity (MDiv), or similar Christ-centered graduate degree.
An advanced degree will not only provide you an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of Biblical principles and pastoral ministry, it will strengthen your holistic understanding of humanity, how to relate to and lead people, as well as build your empathy and understanding of those you hope to serve - a key and crucial component to church leadership. Especially in Kansas
There are many beautiful and historical churches in Kansas. From the Diocese of Kansas City, first built in 1866, to the Little Stranger Church in Leavenworth County which held its first service in 1868, Christian leaders have been bringing His message to the men and women of Kansas for over 100 years.
Understanding the history of Kansas, the role of the church in bringing His message to the people of the state, and how best to apply the scriptures to the people who call this place home has been a bedrock for church leaders in the state. The church has played a key role in the lives and history of the Hawkeye State, and that love still resonates here today.
An MDiv typically requires 3-4 years of graduate schooling, covering courses in ecclesiology, systematic theology, liturgical studies, ministry, Latin or Hebrew, and evangelism. Throughout Kansas, there are several Christian colleges and universities that offer coursework both online, in person, or a combination of the two.
Earning your MDiv is not only required for becoming a church leader, it is a foundational opportunity for you to strengthen your understanding of the Bible, ministry, and church leadership. Just like the church buildings of old that are scattered all throughout Kansas, earning your MDiv will allow you an opportunity to build relationships and make an impact in the lives of those you serve. The work you do today will stand the test of time, long beyond your time as a church leader.
Salary Expectations for Pastor Jobs in Kansas
As of May 2020, the average salary for pastors and other church leaders of Kansas is $49,380, with the top 10% earning more than $76,850.
Step 4. Consider Forming a Christian Ministry of Your Own in Kansas
For some, starting a church rather than joining one is the best option. To do so, there are some very specific, very real steps to follow in order to be legally recognized by the IRS as well as by the state of Kansas.
Churches in Kansas, like almost every state in the United States, are considered nonprofit organizations, allowing them to be tax-exempt. In order to be recognized as a nonprofit organization, however, you must apply for 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. To do so, you will need to work through the following steps:
- Choose a unique name for your church that complies with Kansas regulations. It is also helpful if you choose a name that is easily searchable so potential members and donors can easily find your church on any internet search. You can find the complete list of rules and regulations for naming your nonprofit here.
- Next you must choose a registered agent for your church. This person must be a resident of Kansas as they will be responsible for receiving important legal documents from the government on behalf of the church.
- Select your directors and officers. Your directors will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of your church while the officers (president, secretary, etc.) are responsible for their individual assignments. Your church must have at least three directors and one officer.
- Create and adopt your bylaws and Conflict of Interest Policy. Your bylaws are the agreed upon operating rules and procedures of the church while the Conflict of Interest Policy are the rules set in place that guides the board of directors in their decision making, ensuring all decisions are made in the best interest of the church.
- File your Articles of Incorporation with the state of Kansas. This document must include your church’s purpose and dissolution, a statement and plan that outlines how your church will use its assets and what will happen to those assets, should the church dissolve.
- Obtain an Employee Identification Number (EIN). This number is crucial as it is how the government identifies your church as a nonprofit organization, allowing you to open a bank account, file your taxes, and hire employees.
- Lastly, file for 501(c)(3) status. Once all the above is completed, you can apply for your tax-exempt status by filing out form 1023. You can find the form and submit it to the IRS online at irs.gov/forms.
2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures and job market trends for Religious Workers, Church Directors, and Clergy based on state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed January 2022.
Christian Colleges in Kansas
Barclay College
BA in Bible and Theology (campus)
BA in Missions (campus)
BA in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
BS in Worship Arts (campus)
BS in Youth Ministry (campus)
BS in Biblical Studies (campus)
BS in Christian Leadership (campus)
MA in Theology (campus)
- Practical Theology
- Family Ministries
- Pastoral Ministries
- Quaker Studies
- Spiritual Formation
- Transformational Leadership
- Mission Multiplication
- Biblical Translation
- Sports Outreach
Central Christian College of Kansas Division of Humanities, Ministry and Theology Department
BA in Applied Ministry (campus)
BA in Pastoral Ministry (campus)
BA in Student Ministry (campus)
BA in Worship Arts (campus)
Kansas Wesleyan University
BA in Christian Leadership (campus)
- Option to combine with with a MDiv from St. Paul School of Theology
Manhattan Christian College
BA/BS in Bible Leadership (campus, online)
- 2nd major in Christian Ministry
BA in Biblical and Theological Studies (campus)
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Major in Ministry (campus)
Major in Youth and Family Ministry (campus)
Major in Bible and Theology (campus)
Southwestern College Philosophy and Religion Department
BA in Philosophy and Religion (campus)
Tabor College Bible, Religion and Philosophy Department
Major in Biblical and Religious Studies (campus)
Major in Adaptive Ministry Leadership (campus, online)
Online Christian Universities in Kansas
Kansas Christian College
BA in Leadership and Ministry (online)
- Organizational Leadership
- Pastoral Ministry
- Youth Ministry
BA in Religion (campus)
- Biblical Studies
- Missions
- Pastoral Ministry
- Youth Ministry
Saint Paul School of Theology
Master of Divinity (online, campus)
- Evangelism
- Wesleyan Studies
- Women, Society, and Church Studies
MA in Christian Ministry (campus)
- Prophetic Witness and Service
- Deacon Ministries
MA in Theological Studies (campus)