Christian College Degrees for Today's World
The call to serve as Christ’s shepherd in ministry requires diligence, dedication, and a first-rate education.
A Christian College Education for Students at Every Level
Only in the company of the learned will you find the meaning and understanding you need to minister in today’s world.
A degree in Christian ministry builds on your faith, preparing you to be a leader in the service of Christ. From foundational undergraduate programs to master's degrees in divinity and theology that impart the skills you need to lead a congregation, degrees in Christian leadership are available at every level.
Christian Associate Degrees
A two-year program that lays out the basics of Bible studies and Scriptural interpretation, while laying the groundwork for future studies at the bachelor’s level and above. Offering a solid start to your path into ministry, these programs can be completed quickly and at relatively low cost, making them a good option both to explore your calling and start your journey. You can read more about online Christian associate degrees in religious studies, youth ministry, worship ministry, and more.
Christian Bachelor's Degrees
These four-year degree programs offer a full course of study in both pastoral and temporal subjects, providing the minimum level of qualifications most denominations require of ordained ministers. With a strong liberal arts and general knowledge curriculum sitting alongside Christian doctrine and Scriptural studies, a bachelor’s prepares you for mid-level pastoral positions while priming you for an advanced degree in the field. Learn more about online Christian bachelor's degrees in divinity, pastoral studies, ministry, religious studies, and more.
Christian Master's Degrees
Two to five years of advanced study at the graduate level in ministry, theology, or divinity is the preferred qualification for ordination with most denominations. Delving into advanced aspects of Scripture and pastoral theology cements the expertise required for a lifetime in the ministry. A master of divinity program, or MDiv, sets the standard for pastors in every ministry. See what it takes to earn an online Christian master’s degree in divinity, religious studies, theology, pastoral studies, and more.
Christian Doctorate Degrees
A DMin, or PhD in Christian Ministry is an opportunity to tailor your advanced education to specific ministry skills to a depth usually only found in the highest ranks of the Church. With a commitment of between two to seven years of rigorous study, it’s not a program to take lightly. If your interests are in advancing Christian thought and philosophy with some of the top minds in the orthodoxy, you may be interested in learning more about online Christian doctorates in ministry, theology, and more.
Christian Certificate Programs
Offering an ecclesiastical course of study very similar to what you would find in an associate degree program, but without the general ed courses, a certificate program won’t put you on a path to ordination, but it can answer questions of theology and build your understanding of Biblical doctrine. As a fast, inexpensive path to entry-level ministerial work, you may want to learn more about online certificate programs in Christian ministry, theology, youth and children's ministry, and more.
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The Right Christian College Education Can Lead You Into Ministry
With more than 2000 years of history behind it, Christianity is one of the most enduring and pervasive global religions. It’s a cultural and social powerhouse, one that has spread into dozens of different areas of expertise. Your degree at any level can reflect that specialized knowledge and skill.
Explore the Different Christian Ministry Degree Specializations
Faith is important in Christianity, but a belief in God rests on more than sheer conviction. The art of Christian apologetics presents reasoned, supported arguments for the truth of Christian beliefs and worship. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in apologetics.
Biblical Languages
The Word of God wasn’t originally written in English. Learn the Greek and Hebrew the prophets wrote in for a more complete, more in-depth knowledge of Scripture as it was meant to be experienced. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in Biblical languages.
Biblical Studies
The most widely read book in history still has many mysteries to unlock for diligent scholars. Bible studies offers deep explorations of Old and New Testament, giving you unparalleled Scriptural knowledge. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in Biblical studies.
Christian Counseling
Explore the ways in which ministers can offer solace and guidance through both religious wisdom and modern psychological treatments by studying the techniques of Christian counseling. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in Christian counseling.
Christian Ministry
Evangelizing and spreading the Word of God takes training in everything from Biblical hermeneutics to rhetoric and musical worship. A career in ministry involves broad-based training in sharing salvation through Christ.Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in Christian ministry.
Christian Studies / Religious Studies
The soul of the church lies in the discipleship of Christ, explored in these programs through studies of Scripture, practical ministry, and broader theory and philosophies of religion and Christianity.Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in Christian/religious studies.
Divinity studies offer a combination of the academic pursuit of theology with Scriptural and ministerial training that many denominations consider essential for ordination.Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in Divinity.
Local and Global Missions
Church planting and missionary work takes demanding preparation in languages and practical skills alongside Christian scripture and theological studies. A leadership and missions degree offers guidance in spreading the Gospel everywhere from international locales to neighborhoods across town. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in local and global missions degrees.
Pastoral Studies
Pastors have responsibilities to their congregation to educate, counsel, and represent the church in ceremonies from baptisms to funerals. Learn how to write and deliver sermons and minister to your parish. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in pastoral studies degrees.
Dealing with the nature of the divine and the revelation of the miraculous offers a field of study broader than Christianity alone. Seek deeper understanding through comparative academic study of human religions and experiences. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in Theology.
Worship Arts
Music and the arts have given inspiration to Christian worship for thousands of years, and have also been inspired by Christianity itself for just as long. Perfect your musical talents and explore how modern technology are transforming art in praise of the Lord. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in worship arts.
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Excitement and challenge come together in youth ministry. Study ways to build the morals and habits that lead to a Christian life for adolescents and young adults. Learn more about undergraduate and grad degrees in youth and young adult ministry.
Learn How To Become a Pastor in Your State
There are no national standards for what is required to become a pastor. Each state has its own rules and regulations you will have to comply with, on top of any rules that your church might have. Find a step-by-step process for becoming an ordained minister in every state by clicking on your state in the map below.
Turn Your Calling Into a Career in Christian Ministry
The ministry in which you are called to serve will have a huge impact on your studies and career. With dozens of diverse, exciting types of ministries, you can choose to specialize in just one or explore several to see where your heart and talents take you.
Christian Universities Online
Christianity has been behind some of the biggest advances in education since the Dark Ages. Now, online Christian universities make it possible to earn a degree in religious studies, divinity, ministry, theology and more from anywhere in the world.

Finding the Right Fit Just Got Easier
Taking advantage of remote learning lets you attend your preferred Christian college, no matter where in the country it might be located.

Learn From the Very Best in the Field
The most learned professors in theology and Bible study can reach more and more students through virtual classrooms.

Flexibility that Lets You Attend to All Your Duties
The freedom to take on coursework when it fits your schedule allows you to keep your focus at work when you need to work and at home when you need to be home.